
How to Maximize the Sale of your Home- Part 1 of 5

Real Estate Agent with eRealty Inc.

If you’re considering selling a home in the Raleigh, North Carolina area my team would be more than happy to answer any questions.  This blog is meant to aide you in moving forward in your decision.



Seller Series Blog:


The decision to sell a home can be exciting, scary, overwhelming and emotional.  It’s not always based upon a positive situation in your life, but you have to look at the big picture.    Moving on or moving up is the next step on your path to a better future.  Things happen that are out of your control but you can take some steps to prepare and maximize the sale of you home.  My goal is to give you the largest bottom line return possible in an ever changing market.


This 5 part series will walk you through the “How To’s” of selling a home.  If it’s your first time, ask lots questions.  If it’s your tenth sale, still ask questions!  The market changes, marketing changes and buyers demands change.  You need to understand all of the variables to successfully sell your property.


Step 1:  Considering a Change


              As a Realtor, I cannot force you to sell your home. This is a personal choice that only you can make. There are many factors like

·       financial strain

·       change in your mortgage payments with fluctuating interest rates

·       relationship changes like divorce or children

·       job relocation

·       school re-assignments

·       down sizing for empty nesters

·       lifestyle desires to live on a lake, beach or mountains


There are so many reasons I could list but the bottom line is…it’s accepting the reality of change.  Change is good even if it’s uncomfortable.  It’s how we grow personally and financially!


Once you’ve wrapped your head around the reason that you need to sell your home, you need to set a plan into place.


Step 2:  What If’s…


              This is still a step that you can tackle alone but I’d suggest speaking to a Realtor too.  A quick free consultation via phone or in person can give you some great information about the “what if’s”.  Now, what do I mean by that statement?  You need to have the range of value for your home to know what you’re working with as equity or lack there of, for your next move.  It could be

  1. A down payment for another home,
  2. Financial backing for rent/deposits or
  3. Carrying double payments if you decide to buy before you sell
  4. Reviewing rental amounts if you’re keeping your current home as an investment
  5. Planning to negotiate a deficiency to your current loan if you’re upside down. 


KNOW WHERE YOU STAND!  It will empower you to set several plans in place or at least mentally and emotionally stabilizing for the worst case scenario. 

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Over $45 million in sales and counting.  Buy, Sell or Invest with the best.

Happy House Hunting!





