
Great Market for the Diligent and Persistent

Real Estate Agent with Charles Rutenberg Realty BK 175337

You've got to work as hard or harder than the realtor representing you to find a home of your dreams.

You say wait a minute, Isn't my job to approve what my realtor finds me? Why do I have to work at this?

The answer is simple. This is a very competitive market. I have stated this for the last 6 to 8 months, we are in a frenzy at the bottom of the real estate market. The sooner the buyer understands that it's dog eat dog out there the sooner they'll have that dream purchase.

My motto get there 1st and bid at or substantually above asking price. Many banks set prices low for a bidding war. Even at the higher price you should still be in great shape for the future higher home values.

Another insentive for you is the tax credit now extended to April 30 2010 and existing home owner insentives of up to $6500 for home owners in their home 3 of the last 5 years.

Sooooo! Get out there and make a great deal!!:}