Homes for Sale in Carlsbad - Market Information November 2009!
If you are wondering about the inventory of homes for sale in Carlsbad, the breakdown of availability in various price ranges, and how long they have been on the market - this report is for you! This market information is direct from the MLS, and it's important to bear in mind that the range value pricing can affect the results of this report on the homes for sale in Carlsbad.
To begin with there are a total of 250 detached, single family (SFD) homes for sale in Carlsbad, as of November 16, 2009. The lowest priced home is on the market for $309,000 and the highest priced home is listed at $1.699M to $1.799M. Many of the lower priced homes in Carlsbad will be either manufactured homes or homes for people aged 55+.
So at what price range are most of the homes for sale in Carlsbad found?
- No SFD homes were found under $300,000
- 9 homes were between $300,000-$399,000 and the average days on the market (DOM) was 69.
- 11 homes were between $400,000-$499,000 with the average DOM at 52
- 44 homes were between $500,000-$599,000 with the average DOM at 54
- 32 homes were between $600,000-$699,000 with the average DOM at 60
- 34 homes were between $700,000-$799,000 with the average DOM at 53
- 33 homes were between $800,000-$899,000 with the average DOM at 73
- 31 homes were between $900,000-$999,000 with the average DOM at 89
- 11 homes were between $1M-$1.099M with the average DOM at 72
- 11 homes were between $1.1M-$1.199M with the average DOM at 76
- 18 homes were between $1.2M-$1.299M with the average DOM at 165
- 8 homes were between $1.3M-$1.399 with the average DOM at 126
- 39 homes were over $1.4M with the average DOM at 160
So, of the homes for sale in Carlsbad, approximately 50% are available under $799,000, and the other 50% are over $800,000. As far as the days on market, it stays between 52-60 in the $400,000 to $799,000 bracket. And as we might expect, the homes for sale in Carlsbad over $1.2M are on the market the longest.
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