
Max loan limits remain unchanged

Real Estate Agent with Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage


Maximum loan limits for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to remain unchanged for 2010

The Federal Finance Agency (FHFA) just announced that the maximum conforming loan limits for

mortgages originated in 2010 will remain unchanged from the maximums of  2009 originations.


Mission Statement of FHFA:

Provide effective supervision, regulation and housing mission oversight of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the Federal Home Loan Banks to promote their safety and soundness, support housing finance and affordable housing, and support a stable and liquid mortgage market.



Most mortgages use the Fannie or Freddie guidelines.   A large number are sold in the secondary market so the guide lines help the mortgage holders to package and sell large numbers of them.


Link to the press release directly from FHFA


Here in Arlington, we are thankful that the limits are unchanged and not lowered.

Contact me for more information or your favorite lender.