Securities Backed Loans For Real Estate, Business, Etc...
HedgeLender LLC has provided securities-backed financing products under the HedgeLoan® brand name since 1999. These loans have allowed investors to leverage a wide range of U.S. securities to create cash liquidity for individual, corporate, and trust investors and to for a wide range of purposes. As the oldest
continuous U.S provider of quotes for this type of financing, HedgeLender today can provide securities loans as diverse as institutional, no-sale/trade nonrecourse funding all the way through to traditional margin-style loans with custom lending features against a wide range of collateral, including municipal bonds, mutual funds, U.S. Treasury bills, and stocks on most major exchanges.
Though verification of ability to service the interest-only payments in the form of a simple personal financial statement and other methods is used to comply with expectations that loans should be made only to those able to service them, our clients' loan offers themselves are not affected by credit or income considerations. All loan offers are based on the type and amount (value) of securities used as collateral along with the borrower's preferences.
HedgeLender LLC borrowers can tap their securities for a variety of purposes including business ventures, debt restructuring, high-end luxury purchases, margin debt resolution, funding college education or real estate investments to name but a few. The proceeds of these loans may not, however, be used to purchase more stocks or other marginable securities per U.S. Federal Reserve Board regulations.
Depending on the volatility of the collateral, our borrowers can receive up to 85% of their portfolio value (95% for Treasury bills) in a feature-rich, often limited recourse loan structure. With most limited recourse (also called "nonrecourse" loans), should the client declare default, there will be no other claims on client's assets beyond the surrendering of the collateral shares and no negative effect on the borrower's credit. Surrendering of the collateral shares, regardless of how much they are worth, constitutes complete fulfillment of the loan obligation in these structures.
Interest rates vary depending on several factors but start at 4.35% in an interest only structure paid quarterly for our mainstay Premier program.
HedgeLoan® is acknowledged throughout the industry as the most reliable name in private placement stock loan and securities-backed financing services, earning the trust of thousands of clients over the span of a decade. We stand by our quotes and consider our clients' satisfaction to be our primary duty.
If you are interested in applying for a HedgeLoan® today, please visit:
Also, if you are interested in providing your clients with this valuable service, please write to directly. They provide an excellent affiliate program.
For all other programs, please visit:
Patrick B. Simmons
a division of simmons road enterprises, inc.
2500 Al Simmons Road - Dover, Fl 33527
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