My good friend, Garrett Goldman, recently introduced me to a tool that allows users to easily create their own websites. "Pages" is one of many new additions to Google's list of offerings. The simple format and navigation lets you input text with different fonts/colors, and upload photographs with just a couple clicks.
Obviously websites can be used for a number of purposes, personal or business, but Google Pages has made a place for non-programmers to get an idea for web design - at no cost! You may want to build a website to compliment your hard copy photo album or resume.
These last few weeks I've enjoyed organizing notes and photos to build a coastal lifestyles website. The website a collection of coastside resources that locals and visitors would both value, as it has links to local weather, recreation, current events, history and property information. I still have a ways to go, but when I'm ready, I'll set up my Google Adwords campaign to bring taffic to this site!! I've had an Adwords campaign set up for my real estate website for almost two years and has resulted in more than 200 new clients.
Everybody has a different situation. How can Google tools improve your project?