What's happening in the area?
Oh boy, are the holiday events starting up!!!!
Here's what's going on for the weekend in Placer County and environs. (I know $64,000.00 word, there will be a test.)
Anyway, here goes:
November 20 - November 22:
Auburn Ca. is hosting the 2009 Mandarin Mountin Festival
November 21:
Roseville CA 48th Annual Sylvia Besana Holiday Parade
Roseville CA 3rd Saturday Art Walk
Music, Music, Music
Jericho Coffee
Live music both Friday and Saturday
Bloom Coffee and Tea
Saturday night's the night...
And just for fun, check out Basic Bar & Grill in Historic Roseville, great urban space, live music, happening scene...(the pizza's good too!!)
Here's to a great weekend!