I have begun to see a new uprising with the right wingers posting pics of the President again NOT saluting the Flag... something that seems to really bother them so much that they insist he hates this Country, is non-American, unpatriotic and they are So ASHAMED of him.
I know it has been said by many but I am going to add my 2 cents and say it again. The picture taken was during the national Anthem and NOT The Pledge of Allegiance.
Now by the same token there have been a variety of grat men including the Former president Bush who also did not place his hand over his heart during the national Anthem. I wonder where there outrage was then
.Now i am just a country bumpkin and even though I have been highly successful as a Building Contractor since a boy and it was passed on from father to son. I must admit there is A tremendous amount of blind one sided thinking when it comes to politics.
So one sidedthat the the very mention of Bush brings SCREAMS of "Shut-up" he is no longer the President.
What ? Are Americans stupid? Do you think they believe Pres. Obama was handed a perfectly clean slate. No wars, no economic downturns, no unemployment problems even though it was predicted even before he won the rate could likely reach double digits by 2010. Abortion has been legal through several presidencies including 12 years of the Bush's and yet Obama is attacked on this issue as though he invented and implemented the procedure.
It seems fear-mongering, lies and deception is all that is left of the republican party.
perhaps you should all abandon that sinking ship and become the Conservative Party.
A new name may be your only chance for survival.
Did Obama say the National Anthem conveys a "war-like message" and should be swapped for something such as "I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing"?
No. That's false. The quote was one conservative writer's idea of a joke, which has been picked up and repeated as though it were true in a chain e-mail. This is a ridiculous example of how false stories are started, spread and, in many cases, believed.
It began with a columndated Oct. 27, 2007, on a Web site called the Arizona Conservative, which is written by John Semmens and clearly labeled as humor. His column, in fact, is called "Semi-News -- A Satirical Look at Recent News."
Nevertheless, his column on Obama has been copied and sent around in e-mails, masquerading as true stories. The reader who asked us about it said he received it from a conservative Republican coworker. The e-mail included a note calling Obama's candidacy "a joke."
In this case, the joke is the message falsely quoting Obama, and it's on whomever is gullible enough to believe it's true.
Footnote: For background on the "news" that Semmens was satirizing, see our Jan. 10 article, "Sliming Obama." Also, thanks to Snopes