
2009 It Was A Very Good Year For Real Estate

Real Estate Broker/Owner with Thompson's Realty

2009 WAS a very good year for real estate. Is it too soon to say that, after all it is the end of November and I don't know about most of you but with the holidays and all, things seem to pretty much slow down till after the first of the year. So I chose now to say 2009 WAS a very good year for Real Estate. after all it is the end of November !"

Now some of you would say "Are you crazy, were you selling real estate in the same year I was?" I would say  "hey, are you not reading this blog post, which tells me you are "still an active Realtor". Three cheers for those of us that are still around. We must have done something right to accomplish that.

I think that those of us that kept a positive attitude about the real estate market and kept our heads above water and figured out new inovative ways to work with clients and make things happen can be proud to say 2009 WAS a very good year for real estate.  

Take a moment to buy yourself something special for Christmas. You deserve it and pat yourself on the back for a job well done. . and yes HAPPY THANKSGIVING TOO, you have a lot to be thankful for as well.

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Danielle Pierce
Platinum Realty and Preservation - Chicago, IL

Loved the post! Everyone always wants to talk about how bad things are. I, like you, choose to remain positive. After all, anything else after this market is sure to be a piece of cake!

Nov 23, 2009 10:25 AM
Rob Thomas
Prestige Homes of The Tri Cities, Inc. CALL....423-341-6954 - Bristol, TN
Bristol TN-VA & Tri Cities Agent, ABR, GRI, e-Pro

Great post. You are exactly right! 2009 was a very good year. Hope you have a great day!

Nov 23, 2009 09:51 PM