Boy it has been a while since I have been on Active Rain! I guess that isn't all bad since I have been too busy to post for quite some time. It is on this afternoon prior to a long holiday weekend that I got the chance to breathe, update my profile on Active Rain, and take stock of the past year. What a wild ride!
Blu House is chugging along, sales are good as we got a handle on short sales and taking advantage of the $8000 tax credit. This year I am thankful for my Survival. It was good old fashioned roll up your sleeves and do anything necessary to create activity in this business work ethic that helped me to survive the fallout of the last endeavor. The next few weeks will be filled with business planning, budgeting and training for the upcoming 2010. Our goal needs to be selling as much as possible before the tax credits expire, and figure out where our business will be in the second half of 2010.
I am also thankful for the high energy, hard working, and professional people that I work with. From top to bottom, I have no doubt that everyone at our company has the best interest of Blu House and our clients at heart. Perfection comes through practice and we have gotten so much better and stronger in the past few weeks by practicing our trade of Real Estate.
Finally, I am thankful for the opportunities that await me. With 10 plus years under my belt, I have learned many things, with one always standing out. You must look for and be able recognize opportunity when it is there. Simply sitting and waiting for the phone to ring will kill you in this market. We all know that. What a lot of agents need to learn is that when an opportunity is there, recognize it and seize it! I know slow or busy, there will be opportunities for me to make money in Real Estate in 2010 and beyond.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone, and keep up the good fight!