One of the largest hurdles families face in the search for a new home is what to do about the home they are currently living in. We hope this three part series helps illustrate how trading a home can benefit a family.
The first of this series discusses the most common hurdles families face when seeking to move to a new home. The second part will discuss how a new home builder offering a Trade In Your Home program can help overcome these challenges. The third part will discuss how a trade program works.
Hurdles To Moving (Part One)
Two Mortgages
Some families will move into a new home then sell their old home. This option does allow for a family to move at their own pace without being rushed however they do have the financial burden of two homes.
These costs can include mortgage payments, taxes, insurance, utilities and upkeep. In addition to the costs you must also work to clean up the old house and take care of all those unfinished projects that must be completed before putting the home on the market. Once all of that is completed, the selling ritual of pictures, Realtors, showings, negotiations, offers and counter offers begins.
While all of this is in progress, your family is still placing demands on you to help get settled into your new home. Then all those other pesky little aspects of life keep eating up your time, work, school, children's events, etc...
Our family has tried this before and although it is convenient, I can attest that once you are about 99% moved out of the old house, the last 1% can be a drag. The work and time it takes to get the old house ready to sell WHILE you are trying to get your new home ready to live in can be stressful and it does take some of the joy/excitement from the move into a new home.
Two Moves
Other families resign themselves to selling their home first then moving into temporary housing (apartments, rent house, in-laws) and placing their belongings in storage until they can find a new home.
This method allows for a family to take their time in the search for a new home, however, the costs associated with a double move and storage of one's personal items can add up. Often the temporary housing is smaller and less comfortable than living in true home.
We are also hearing from families that their children do become restless as they are not settled into a permanent environment. Once the families become restless the pressure to "just buy something" becomes intense and families may settle on a home or location that is not their first choice. Our family has done this option and it is only by God's grace my wife did not kill me.
Sell & Search
The most common approach which we have witnessed is a family selling their home and then making a mad dash to find what they a new home once their home sells.
Often in the rush they have to settle for what homes are available in their budget. More often than not we find these families settling for a home and then spending tens of thousands of dollars to try to fix the home to get close to what they were hoping to find.
This rushed approach to finding a new home is always tempered by the stress and pressures of making sure the contract on their existing home settles up. We have heard stories of buyers who use the family's contract on their new home as a tool to get greater concessions out of the family on the contract on their existing home.
Common Factor
The common factor in all of these scenarios is that the family is at the mercy of outside forces and either has to spend time and money to cover additional costs, put themselves under undo pressures, settle for a house that may not have been their first choice or all of the above.
The next part of this series will discuss how a builder offering a Trade In Your Home program can offer an easier less stressful path to your family's new home.
Thank You
If you have a question on how to a trade program works, please feel free to email your questions to our offices. Garabedian Properties is a full service building firm serving the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex. We offer new luxury homes, premium remodels, green building/remodeling, home care services, storm/roof repairs and commercial building contracting.
Please feel free to leave your comments, drop us an email at or call our office at 817-748-2669. I also encourage you to visit to see movies on our homes, hundreds of pictures and information on how we can be of service to your family or clients.
If your family is not quite ready for us at this time, we will be at your service when you are in need or wish to request our assistance. If you know a family or client who may be in need of our services, we welcome and honor your referrals.
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