
Take Time to Journal this Weekend

Education & Training with Cherry Creek Mortgage/Summit Champions

Take Time to Journal This Weekend 

Happy Thanksgiving!! I hope that you had a wonderful time with friends and loved ones giving thanks, reminiscing, and most likely eating a bit too much food.  I heard on the news that the average American eats approximately 4,500 calories on Thanksgiving.  With all of that turkey tryptophan, it's hard to get the brain going, let alone get motivated to go back to work on Monday. This week's letter will focus on the art of journaling.  I've been journaling for around 15 years and I try to write everyday on my successes and challenges that I'm facing.  Thanksgiving weekend is a wonderful time to reread your thoughts that you penned throughout the year.  I encourage you to purchase a journal if you don't have one and just start writing.  I actually have three journals with me at all times:  my personal journal, my "speaking and writing journal", and my work journal.  Here's a list of subjects that you could write about in your journal:

•1.       Books that you want to read.  Create an on-going list of books that you want to get through. I read about 4 books a month, so I need to have an on-going list. 

•2.      Your goals for December.  What do you want to accomplish in this last month of the year?  Some key indicators that are important to measure would be:  number of "first meeting appointments", number of targets added to the data base, numbers of closings and the dollars you want to make.  

•3.      Your goals for the first quarter of next year.  90 Day goals are easier to measure than a year plan.  With 90 Day goals, you can make corrections faster, measure more frequently and it makes journaling successes/challenges easier.

•4.      Inspirational Quotes. Quotes get you thinking.  They can inspire you and others who need uplifting.

•5.      Sometimes you have to vent!! Journaling allows you to do that.  Once you get it out-move on to positive things.

•6.      Gratitude log.  What are you grateful for.  Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to pen your thoughts on the blessings and victories that you are grateful for.

•7.      Things "Not to Do List".  I've been asked by my business coach to put this list together and it's a tough exercise.  I've learned that it can't be done in one setting.  This is a on-going list that is work related for me.  I'm now starting to put one together for myself personally-that includes cleaning the gutters at the house.

•8.      A relationship that needs mending.  Years ago, I felt that I was wronged by a group and I kept my feelings boiling inside me.  By journaling my feelings and eventually confronting the group, I released myself from all the stress of the situation.

•9.      A great sales call.  Writing down the victories is inspirational.  Get down all the points why the call was successful.  What were the questions you asked the prospect, how did you handle their concerns. 

•10.  In what ways can you be more memorable or how can you be more proactive in giving back to those who are close to you?  Start making a list of special things you could be doing for your friends, family or your best customers.

•11.  Create a "bucket list".  This would be a list of things that you would like to do before you kick the bucket.  It could be something that you've always wanted to do, but didn't give it a try.  What can you do to make it happen?  For me was fishing for King Salmon in Alaska.  I went further in my thought process and decided that I wanted to fish for King Salmon in Alaska with my three sons.  I am happy to say that I took each of them on  a unique trip to Alaska for their high school graduation.  Now my bucket list is to fish in Alaska with all of us the same time. 

•12.  Three things that I will award myself if I accomplish my BHAG in 2010. Make your "Big Hairy Audacious Goals" Big!!  Make the award something even bigger.

•13.  What would you like your clients say about you?  What do you want them to say?  If there is gaps in your customer service, write down these gaps and commit to a flawless customer service plan.

•14.  In what ways can you improve in your life plan. I've mentioned Life Planning a lot in these letters.  Having a Life Plan is more important than a Business Plan as it gives you a foundation for all decisions.  For me, it's God, Pam, the boys and daughter-in-laws, my health, my financial health and then finally my career.  Journaling allows me to be honest with myself about the gaps that I have in these areas and allows me to make a commitment to myself that I will close the gaps of my short comings.

•15.  What's my biggest lesson you've learned this year?  Just writing down this question is making reminisce all of the various lessons that I've experienced and the outcomes that I learned. 

•16.  Brainstorming an area of your business that if you could conquer  it once and for all, great things will take place.

•17.  Things that I'm not good at that I want to improve on. Maybe it's a hobby or it could be more personal.

•18.  What I'm most proud of this year? What I'm most excited about 2010? Give yourself a pat on the back for the victories that came your way.

•19.  List of promises that you will make to yourself. 

•20.  Why journaling is important to me.

Have a relaxing time this Thanksgiving Weekend.  Don't just give journaling a try, but make it a daily habit.  I wish you great success this coming week and finish strong in the month of December.


Tom Ninness is Vice President/Regional Production Manager for Cherry Creek Mortgage in Denver, CO.  He is also the President of Summit Champions, Inc. and creator of the "The 90 Day Journey to Your Sales Success", a powerful 90 day action plan for the sales professional.  To learn more about The Journey and Summit Champions, go to,  or contact Tom at   Office: 720-221-4396. 

Tom Ninness, Vice President, CML, CMPS

Cherry Creek Mortgage Co.

Certified Mortgage Planning Specialist

7400 E. Arapahoe Rd. #303

Centennial, CO  80112

Direct Line:  303-389-5716

Efax: 303-380-5846

Cell:  303-877-4111

Mortgage Originator License #100018945



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Wayne Thompson
Walden Mortgage Group - Lexington, KY

Tom...As always you are dead on with your ideas. I'm finishing my 2010 business plan this weekend and I have added journaling to my daily disciplines. Thanks for the ideas.

Nov 28, 2009 02:59 PM