A couple of months ago, my Broker announces she would be closing down the office in the summer 2010 because she was planning moving to another state with her family. The office was always a small office with no more than 15 agents at most. When I made the move from New Homes Sales to Resale 18 months ago, I chose this office because it was small and the Broker made sure she was easily accessible. She always answered her phone and was always available for questions. She actually was one that sold me my home! She herself had worked in New Homes. We were not friends, just knew eachother through Real Estate. She started her Broker Office from home at first, then opened up an office. The location to my home was just minutes. I knew this was the right office for me and I planned on being there for quite some time. Even after interviewing with other larger better known offices, I felt I had made the right choice.
I invested quite a bit of money into marketing. Business cards, marketing material, postcards and I even went out and had a window wrap installed on the back of my SUV that listed my services. (I get lots of comments and questions about Real Estate while pumping at the gas station and other parking locations. It's like a traveling billboard. Always with me wherever I go) The bad part is that my company's logo is on this and therefore, I cant continue to use the same print material. The good thing is that my phone number is the same and wherever they are they will still reach me if they call off of it.
My business was good. In addition to helping buyers buy and sellers sell, I took an interest in Property Management. That part of my business really took off, in less than a year, I was managing 10+ properties. I enjoyed doing it. When real estate slowed down, PM kept me busy and kept some cashflow coming in.
Then the announcement came that she was going to close sooner than later. Summer 2010 had now turned to the end of 2009 and I was bummed. Most of the agents left right away but a couple of us stayed behind, hoping she would maybe change her mind to no avail. I have sinced interviewed with other companies and have chosen one to start the next chapter in my career. They do not let agents do Property Management for liability reasons (as I found most Real Estate offices that I interviewed with dont allow it either) I had to inform my homeowners that I would no longer be able to manage their properties. They were disappointed but understanding. Should they decide to sell their homes, they said they will list with me because they loved my services that I provided to them as a Property Manager. Now as my business with one company comes to an end a new one is about to begin. New faces, new friends, new office procedures, new splits, new location and the drive to get more sales and listings is back! Having to be the rookie in a new office just does something to me!
As I still drive past my "old" office, I will miss my broker and wish her and her family well as they make their way to New York.
The old saying goes "Whenever one door closes, another one opens." I live with no regrets!