While driving back 6 hours home from Eastern Oregon, I had time to reflect on some things in the car while everyone was sleeping.
On the trip back, I received several angry messages from a client (who is soon be an ex-client) about some points she wanted to bring up with me.
Point 1: You never answer your phone calls. You never call me back when I call.
Answer: I don't answer every phone call just because they are from my clients. I have learned that over the years, the more you answer their calls when they want you to, the more you trained your clients into thinking they are your only clients and more importantly that your time is of no or little value. I especially do not answer calls that say, "YOU MUST CALL ME NOW! IT"S AN EMERGENCY!"
I have also learned that in all the years I have been in this business, never has there been truly an "emergency".
Point 2: You told me what to do and you didn't even ask me.
Answer: I never tell anyone what to do. You are my client. I am working for you. You ask me what the options are, I tell you your options. You pick the option that best suits your needs and situation at the present moment. If you ask for an opinion, well, I will give you my best professional opinion. That opinion may not be the one you want to hear, but you asked.
Point 3: I wanted to walk with some money so I can start my life over after the short sale/foreclosure.
Answer: Sweetheart, I can't make the debt go away. I didn't take out a second against the house for fun stuff. I came to you after you were already in debt. We didn't run to Mexico or on some 8 day cruise. You spent the money. Now, there's no more money. You lost your job. I can sympathize but you owe more than the house is worth. Maybe call the President for a bailout. Sorry can't help you but to help you sell your home before the auction date.
Point 4: Hope you had a great holiday.
Answer: Strange thing is, that just brought me back to my childhood days (from what I can remember) when Mom and Dad would fight and then suddenly act as if nothing had happened. Sorry, I don't work that way. You have been a difficult person to deal with from the get go, even though I may have overlooked it then, I really can't overlook it now. Let's just part ways. Better yet, how about I fire you as a bad client for not helping you make a bad situation better.
Moral of the story...You are the boss. You choose the clients you want to work with. They must work with you to help the transaction through. It's not just a one way street. You give, I give, You take, I take. That's how relationships work. We talk about stuff as adults. We don't place blame just because today you feel upset. I want to work with the 20 percent who make me 80 percent of my income, not the 20 percent who take up 80 percent of my time.
As the Donald would say, "You're FIRED!"