
Asset Management Companies are jumping on the Short Sale "Bandwagon"!

Real Estate Agent with Troop Real Estate Inc.

We've all heard about "Phantom Inventory" and the next "Wave" of foreclosures and subsequent REO's, but right now Short Sales are the thing. In my Market, they're everywhere.

About six months ago we saw a slowdown in REO's due to loan modifications, moratoriums and Short Sales. I sent query letters to all of the asset management companies that I work for to see what their thoughts were about managing Short Sales. I received a mixed review. Mostly comments like,"we've considered handling Short Sales but are not currently interested, thank you for your foresight". 

Well, things are starting to change.

Finally......... at least one progressive asset management company IS MANAGING SHORT SALES!

Check out PMH Financial's new site!

I applaud them for being a progressive company. It is a natural transition for them, and I think we all need to catch the current wave, Short Sales.

As far as that Phantom Inventory goes, who knows..........I think we'll be ready though.


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John Occhi
AZ Veteran Notary Services - Marana, AZ
Mobile Notary Public/Certified Loan Signing Agent

Well Rudy,

I jumped onthe Bankwagon today.  I started listing Short Sales in early Spring 2007 and quit by the fall when I started listing REOs.  Well, today I got a phone call and tonight I signed a contract and added the Short Sale to the just felt so I had to swallow a big slice of humble pie...


Dec 02, 2009 04:31 PM
Elite Home Sales Team
Elite Home Sales Team OC - Corona del Mar, CA
A Tenacious and Skilled Real Estate Team

I have listed short sales all year long and the rewards have been good for me.

Dec 02, 2009 04:32 PM
Ryan Haley Ocean City MD Real Estate Sales - Ocean City, MD
Ocean City MD Real Estate - DE Beach Home Realtor

I have seen a jump in short sale activity as well.  I would rather have REOs!  But am also excited to help the sellers get a monkey of their back. 

Dec 02, 2009 04:34 PM
Robert L. Brown - Grand Rapids, MI
Grand Rapids Real Estate Bellabay Realty, West Mic

Here is where the market will slow down to a crawl. I hope they pick up the pace.

Dec 05, 2009 05:05 AM
Andrew Monaghan
The Monaghan Group - Glendale, AZ
CRS, GRI, EPro Associate Broker

Many more are getting into it

Reotrans or whatever they are called today



and many more,


Dec 12, 2009 04:26 PM
Nick Exarhos
National Realty Centers - Livonia, MI

What is PMH role. Arre they just a third party negotiator or do they come up with $$$$

Jan 31, 2010 07:11 AM
Rudy Detgen
Troop Real Estate Inc. - Moorpark, CA
Realtor, Real Estate Agent, Homes, REO - Moorpark, Simi Valley


PMH is an asset management company


Feb 15, 2010 03:12 AM