This is funny (please note the dripping sarcasm). I moved to the US about a year and a half ago from Canada. Understanding the importance of a FICO score (I knew I wanted to get into Real Estate and Property Investing) - I had been very active on working on building up a strong credit history and score from day one.
I even signed up for one of those memberships (with Equifax) that "monitors" your report monthly .... and also provides you with access to your score monthly.
I was shocked after just moving here to see that they were already reporting a score of 704 (at that point I only had one credit card - with a whopping credit line of $300.00 - and it had been open for only 3 or 4 months - that is ALL that was on my report). I was feeling pretty good about myself .... UNTIL .... when applying for a job about a month later .... I found out that Experian was ACTUALLY reporting a score of 590 when a credit report is pulled by a 3rd party! I am still having a hard time sorting out how the product they were selling me was reporting one number .... and the reality was a completely different number. HOW DOES THAT HELP THE CONSUMER AT ALL?
The sole purpose of my purchasing their product was to ensure everything was going right with my FICO score and history .... HOWEVER .... I was not obtaining the true information that I was paying to obtain .... and therefore was not only ignorant of the TRUE situation .... but believed the situation was the exact opposite of what it was (phew! does that make any sense?)
*sigh* - I learned the 'Buyer Beware' lesson on this one. Anyone else out there experience this?