For many years some in the Catholic Church have been teaching their flock to follow the dictates of their own conscience...
Read this blog "Democratic Dyslexic Disorder" a.k.a. "DDD" to see where I am coming from. Comment #16 will help you see what I mean.
But just as Rick Santorum stated on the Congressman Kennedy, Bishop Tobin conflict: "Simply put, the church has membership requirements. Kennedy is free to reject them. What he is not free to do is redefine them for himself and condemn the church for not accepting his definition."
Here is a post on the Kennedy Tobin conflict if you are not aware of it. So if you proclaim to be Catholic....Are you a Kennedy Catholic or are you a Stupak Catholic?
In addition and the key words here are "Well Formed Conscience"
Santorum on Catholic teaching and public policy: "Finally, the church maintains that there is a natural law that forms the basic moral foundation of society and that can be known through the exercise of reason. Thus, a Catholic public official with a well-formed conscience can arrive at correct moral conclusions not by faith, but by reason."
See full article in today's Philadelphia Inquirer.
Where is it that one is suppose to receive their "Well Formed Conscience?" It is by their faith. Be it Catholic, Protestant or Jew.
That is what our religions give us. A well formed Conscience. And that my friend is exactly why they must take down religion in our Country to succeed.
It is not that the religious are trying to create a Theocracy it is that those who are hell bent on taking down America need the religious to not have a "well formed conscience."