
Why do they need a secular culture to succeed?? Why did they need to infiltrate the Catholic Church to succeed??

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For many years some in the Catholic Church have been teaching their flock to follow the dictates of their own conscience...

Read this blog "Democratic Dyslexic Disorder" a.k.a. "DDD" to see where I am coming from. Comment #16 will help you see what I mean.

But just as Rick Santorum stated on the Congressman Kennedy, Bishop Tobin conflict: "Simply put, the church has membership requirements. Kennedy is free to reject them. What he is not free to do is redefine them for himself and condemn the church for not accepting his definition."

Here is a post on the Kennedy Tobin conflict if you are not aware of it. So if you proclaim to be Catholic....Are you a Kennedy Catholic or are you a Stupak Catholic?

In addition and the key words here are "Well Formed Conscience"

Santorum on Catholic teaching and public policy:  "Finally, the church maintains that there is a natural law that forms the basic moral foundation of society and that can be known through the exercise of reason. Thus, a Catholic public official with a well-formed conscience can arrive at correct moral conclusions not by faith, but by reason."

 See full article in today's Philadelphia Inquirer.

Where is it that one is suppose to receive their "Well Formed Conscience?" It is by their faith. Be it Catholic, Protestant or Jew.

That is what our religions give us. A well formed Conscience. And that my friend is exactly why they must take down religion in our Country to succeed.

It is not that the religious are trying to create a Theocracy it is that those who are hell bent on taking down America need the religious to not have a "well formed conscience."



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I would love the opportunity to earn your business!

A reminder: This is my public blog.  Posters who leave comments that are personal attacks against the blogger or other commentators will be deleted. Debate the issue!!!! Thank you


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Chris Smith
Re/Max Chay Realty Inc., Brokerage - New Tecumseth, ON
South Simcoe, Caledon, King, Orangeville Real Esta

As a practising Roman Catholic, I find your post very interesting.  It brings to mind a homily that a priest preached about thirty years ago... one that I have never forgotten.  He was specifically talking about Abortion, but the principle applies to all of life...

He basically stated (much more eloquently than my memory recollects) that many of us think we are good "Catholics" and that we live good lives... but that is not enough.  It is not good enough that we will not abort an unborn child, we must fight to protect the lives of all those unborn children... that message has resonated within me since I first heard it.

The moral applies to all things... and has contributed greatly to my "well formed conscience".  By no means am I perfect, but by the grace of God I am His "work in progress" and the Roman Catholic Church is one way through which I hear His Word.

Dec 03, 2009 02:42 AM
Alice Linahan
Voices Empower - Argyle, TX


Your comment makes my heart sing with joy!! You are so right on, none of us are perfect, but by the grace of God we are all "works in progress"!

Thank you, Thank you for taking the time to comment.

From another Cathlolic who is a work in progress!!

Morning Glory-Evening Grace,


Dec 03, 2009 02:50 AM
Charles Stallions
Charles Stallions Real Estate Services - Pensacola, FL
850-476-4494 - Pensacola, Pace or Gulf Breeze, Fl.

From a Baptist, I like your post. I have four cheeks and I think I have turned them all to people that want to use religion to tear down this great country. I don't mind religious freedom that all share and believe. It is not for me to judge and I try to not access things without researching and knowing something about.

But no one is above the law and to kill innocent people whether abortion or flying planes into building is wrong. But the Bible and even people of great knowledge said it was coming. We as a people have to deal with it and quit turning the other cheek in the name of religion or political correctness. Laws are put into place for a reason and no one is above the law.

Dec 03, 2009 03:02 AM
Alice Linahan
Voices Empower - Argyle, TX


AMEN!! I could not agree more with you!!

Thank you for taking the time to comment!

I like to quote a man who I think is a great theologian and actually I have no idea what his religion is.

"We are all homeless just workin our way toward home." Denver Moore- In his own voice Same Kind of Different as Me

Morning Glory-Evening Grace,


Dec 03, 2009 03:31 AM
Larry Bettag
Cherry Creek Mortgage Illinois Residential Mortgage License LMB #0005759 Cherry Creek Mortgage NMLS #: 3001 - Saint Charles, IL
Vice-President of National Production

You have to follow God.  You cannot be a follower of man.  No matter who says otherwise.

Dec 03, 2009 04:39 AM
Yolanda Hoversten
Self Employed - O'Fallon, IL
Referrals for O’Fallon, IL & the Metro East

Alice, I always wonder how any Catholic can vote for someone who's pro-choice, the euphemism for pro-abortion.  I also don't understand how any woman would kill her own child.  Part of why the left hates Sarah Palin is because she loves life.

I'm also a work-in-progress Catholic--I will always be.

Dec 03, 2009 05:23 AM
Alice Linahan
Voices Empower - Argyle, TX


Right on brother!!

Have a blessed day with that beautiful family of yours!!


Dec 03, 2009 08:05 AM
Alice Linahan
Voices Empower - Argyle, TX


From one work in progress catholic girl to another I could not agree with you more!! Sarah Palin scares them to death. It is interesting on FB I am connecting with more and more Catholics daily and many of them are either working hard for the Palin Twibe which is what her group is called or they promote her as much as possible on their facebook and blogs.

I think it is pretty wonderful to see Americans come together and work hard for our country.

Here is a great article I recieved from one of the.

Posted: 02 Dec 2009 06:52 PM PST

By Adrienne Ross -

In this segment of Governor Palin's BGEA interview when visiting Rev. Billy Graham in North Carolina last week, she talked about how faith in Christ enables her to face every challenge life throws her way. That faith is the reason she is still standing through all the ups and downs. With that solid foundation, the Governor said, "You can't help but then be positive and optimistic." Amen!

Much is made of Governor Palin's common sense message of conservatism. Indeed, she is the leading voice in the movement today. However, her common sense isn't limited to issues of small government, fiscal responsibility, and energy independence. She chose to put her life in the hands of Christ when she was merely a child, and speaking as someone who also made that decision many years ago, I can testify that it is the most common sense decision I have ever made. It just makes sense to allow the Creator to mold His creation.

Blessings my friend!!


Dec 03, 2009 08:12 AM
Alice Linahan
Voices Empower - Argyle, TX

I wanted to share with all of you a very disturbing video I just recieved.

There is more disturbing information coming out about those close to and
associated with the USCCB - please take a few moments to watch this
video to learn about the latest horrible revelation.

Now before I get hammered from the left about me being a gay bashing vile bigot I would refer you to my blog post here.

"Freedom incurs responsibility, that is why so many men fear it." My children are my responsibility!(Updated)

Until we begin to question with boldness, hold to the truth and then Speak without Fear we will continue to see our great country slip further and further away.

I would remind you of this quote....

In Germany they first came for the Communists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist.

Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Catholics,
and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant.

Then they came for me -
and by that time no one was left to speak up.-Pastor Martin Niemoller
Dec 03, 2009 08:25 AM
Melissa Anderson
Be My Neighbor Mortgage - San Antonio, TX
Your Texas Lender

I'm thankful all these Catholic girls let me hang out with them :)


Your work in progress Christian friend.

Be Blessed :)

Dec 03, 2009 08:50 AM
Alice Linahan
Voices Empower - Argyle, TX

If you are Catholic and you want to follow an amazing Priest to learn about your faith, here is one for you. If you are not Catholic and you want to know what those Crazy Catholics are all about, here is a good one for you. This video is great.

Father Barron - Word of Fire

Dec 03, 2009 09:02 AM
Kevin Robinson
Twin Falls, ID
Fractional Developer

Keep bringing it Alice. You are doing a great job!

Dec 03, 2009 11:39 AM
Kevin Robinson
Twin Falls, ID
Fractional Developer


Dec 03, 2009 11:41 AM
Alice Linahan
Voices Empower - Argyle, TX

I wanted to share with you a comment I left at the bottom of my post "Democratic Dyslexic Disorder" a.k.a. "DDD" 

which is in response to a comment made by the author of comment #16 on that blog post.  

 As an American you have every right to think and believe as you wish,  but just as I said on my other post Why do they need a secular culture to succeed?? Why did they need to infiltrate the Catholic Church to succeed??

"For many years some in the Catholic Church have been teaching their flock to follow the dictates of their own conscience..." Now we are at a place in history where your beliefs effect my family and nation because you choose to support a group of people who like you follow their own ill formed conscience instead of the religion you claim to follow.

But just as Rick Santorum stated on the Congressman Kennedy, Bishop Tobin conflict: "Simply put, the church has membership requirements. Kennedy is free to reject them. What he is not free to do is redefine them for himself and condemn the church for not accepting his definition."

That is how nations are lost......

"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague."

Quote by:

Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 B.C.) Roman Statesman, Philosopher and Orator

Source: Attributed. 58 BC, Speech in the Roman Senate

Dec 03, 2009 05:38 PM
Alice Linahan
Voices Empower - Argyle, TX

Melissa you are always welcome to hang out with us "Catholics in Progress." "Which I think is a much better group than Catholics in name only." 

I have a feeling God put us all together for a reason!! I am just so glad you answered his call!!

Blessings my friend!!


Dec 03, 2009 05:41 PM
Alice Linahan
Voices Empower - Argyle, TX


Once again you are one of my heros!! Thank you!!

Dec 03, 2009 05:41 PM