Seeking help with your energy bill and reducing consumption during the cold months? Check out this information from EWEB.
The Eugene Water & Electric Board is taking action to help the community cope with the ongoing economic crisis. As a citizen-owned utility, we feel a strong need and urgency to do what we can to help.
EWEB has created Community Care, which is designed to assist those who are struggling to pay their utility bills due to job loss, cutbacks in work hours and benefits, or other factors.
EWEB's elected Commissioners created a $4.4 million economic-assistance fund for 2009. Responding to a continued need, Commissioners voted to allocate an additional $1.7 million to extend the program through September 30, 2010.
The money is coming from the sale of surplus power to other utilities in the region. Rather than keep these funds in cash reserves, EWEB is returning it to our customers during a time of community need.
These funds augment a robust low-income assistance program that already provides more than $2 million annually to help 4,000 low-income households. These bill assistance and weatherization programs already were among the most generous in the nation; the additional funding will enable EWEB to help thousands more households this year.
If you are out of work or have been affected by the bad economy, we urge you to take advantage of the menu of programs EWEB is offering to assist customers who may be struggling to pay their utility bills.
- Job Loss Program
EWEB will provide up to $300 in bill-payment assistance for jobless customers who are receiving unemployment compensation.
Eligibility requirements
Program description and application - Job Loss Loan Deferral Program
Jobless customers with weatherization loans may also be eligible to defer their loan payments.
- Shelter Facility Assistance
Permanent homeless shelters within EWEB's service territory may apply for electric utility assistance payments.
- Weatherization Incentives
EWEB's Community Care program provides additional weatherization funding for homeowners and renters whose income falls at or below 80 percent of the state median income. Call EWEB at (541) 685-7000 to request an application for this specific program.
Eligibility requirements
Program description and income guidelines
<!--<a href="/public/documents/Expanded_Weatherization_Application.pdf" class="contentLink" id="communityLink" target="_blank"> Program application</a><br> <a href="/public/documents/employerIncomeVerification.pdf" class="contentLink" id="communityLink" target="_blank"> Employer income verification form</a><br> <a href="/public/documents/studentFamilyFinancialSupport.pdf" class="contentLink" id="communityLink" target="_blank"> Student/family financial support form</a></p> </li> --> - Small Business Lighting Incentives
Business customers with less than 5,000 watts of interior lighting can apply for a cash rebate to help replace existing lighting with energy efficiency lighting. EWEB has directed an additional funding to this program to increase the rebate percentage and number of customers assisted.
- Deposit Guarantor Program
Qualifying customers may receive assistance with their account deposit. EWEB is expanding its contribution to this existing program in 2009 from 50 to 75 percent for qualifying low income customers.
<li><b>Rate rebate</b>
<p>All residential customers will receive a $30 rebate in the form of a credit on their bill, in March or April. This will assist thousands of customers who have seen their household incomes decline due to reductions in working hours or benefits. Customers who do not need the rebate may donate it back to <a href="/assistance" id="communityLink" class="contentLink">EWEB's Customer Care limited income program</a>. A special postcard will be included in March 2009 bills to enable customers to easily do this.</p>
- Crisis Program
EWEB is expanding its crisis assistance program. Crisis payments are generally limited to $500 per household and are administered by EWEB staff.
Eligibility guidelines and application
Medical equipment exemption form
Supplemental form
To apply for a Community Care program, complete the necessary application(s) and submit with any required documentation to:
- Email: Attach scanned documents and send to
- Fax: (541) 684-5811
- Mail or drop off: EWEB, 500 East Fourth Ave, Eugene, OR 97401
Please note which application(s) are included on the fax, email or mailing envelope.
Customers applying for the Crisis Program must deliver applications in person to EWEB's Headquarters with original documentation.
To learn more about EWEB's Community Care and existing low-income assistance programs, call us at (541) 685-7000.
People from all parts of Lane County can now call one number to gain access to emergency fund programs, local food banks, child care, training, and unemployment opportunities after they've lost their jobs.
Call (541) 682-7200 to connect for help.
Visit Lane Workforce Partnership to learn more.