
My Life.....a three ring circus!

Real Estate Broker/Owner with Johnson Home and Land

I can not bilieve it has been SO long since I wrote a blog post here on active rain.  I think this site is a a great resource for any agent wanting to connect, improve or enjoy.  Isn't that all of us?  I have been keeping up pretty well on my company's blog, staying on top of Facebook and at least attempting twitter.  In the midst of not allowing social netwroking to take too much time....I dropped the ball on active rain.   Our market here in Northwest Wyoming has reamained more stable than many other parts of the country and I amd still very thankful for that.  Our volume is down considerably but our values are still holding thier own at this point.  We will see what this winter brings.  I am very hopefull that the expanded tax credit will create some urgency and help us get back in balance with our supply/demand ratio.  I hope to be a lot more consistant with my active rain blogging in 2010.  It's good to be back!

Charles Stallions
Charles Stallions Real Estate Services - Pensacola, FL
850-476-4494 - Pensacola, Pace or Gulf Breeze, Fl.

Welcome back Sarah and hope you at least enjoyed your time away. Good luck and hope you sell a lot this winter as well.

Dec 03, 2009 04:41 AM
John Thomas
E3 Green HOMES - Boulder, CO
EcoBroker, MSEE, MBA

Not to worry Sarah...we're still here. It's getting harder for us all to keep up with least I know how you feel.

Dec 03, 2009 07:24 AM
Amanda Harper
Essential Properties, Inc. - Goodyear, AZ

Welcome back. I have experienced the same thing on active rain and recently jumped back in. Good luck to you in 2010!

Dec 03, 2009 09:17 AM