
Are all available properties on the MLS? What is my agent not showing me?

Real Estate Agent with Better Properties Nw

The short answer is no!  The MLS is a great resource for your home search as the majority of available properties will be there.  I cannot stress however that my clients and I have found some great deals that are not listed in a conventional way.  Most of you have seen signs of "For Sale By Owners" as you drove around town.  Many times these homes fly under the radar because you will not see them unless you happen to stumble upon them.  I make it a point to view these homes at least twice a week to make them available to my buyers.  Some realtors also have "Pocket Listings" that are available but for any number of reasons the seller does not want them listed on the open market.  I also have a few of these properties availble for the right buyer.  Occasionally I post off market properties and pocket listings as featured properties on my website.  Feel free to go to the website and view this great Sumner Home.


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