
The mortgage industry needs regulation not health care!

Real Estate Agent with America's Real Estate Advocates

I recently heard from a wise man in our industry who also shares my opinion that it is NOT the healthcare industry that needs reform, but the mortgage lending industry. 

I cannot even believe how scary it will be if this healthcare reform bill passes.  I am only 33 but I know that if it passes I could be out of healthcare options in a few short years.  I am also concerned for my parents and in-laws who are now 60.  Having the government dictate healthcare is an outrageous thing.  I heard on the radio last night where a DJ and guest speaker were discussing how it is in England with their government run heathcare.  If the US adapts such a program, get ready to go to more funerals!  Seriously!

But if we could just take that control and switch it to the mortgage lending industry we wouldn't have to worry about another economic meltdown like the past 3 years.  Or at the very least a much much more milder one!  We need a watchguard over the mortgage industry.  A tough parole officer type to watch over the loan modifications, a stern old nun to oversee short sales, and an eagle eye sharp shooter to watch over the basic lending practices.  (If I have left anything out or you think of a better "babysitter please comment and share with us)

I know I can't be the only real estate professional who feels this way.  The mortgage lending industry needs to be held accountable, and get up off their lazy butts and help us as a nation get out of this mess!