DECEMBER 05, 2009
The 2009 Annual Holiday Parade begins tomorrow with a tree lighting ceremony in the Lumberyard shopping center at 5:00 pm. Beat Incorporated, which is a drum ensemble made up of local elementary school students, will entertain at the tree lighting.
The parade begins at 5:30pm on Coast Highway 101 at D St. and will continue to J St. The parade will feature local youth groups such as Boy Scout Troops, Girl Scouts, Dance Schools, Church Groups, local businesses, cool cars, bands,and a variety of 100 entertaining organizations. The floats are festive and many toss candy to the children that line the streets so get their early, bring a blanket and dress warm!
The theme this year is "Season's GreeNings" celebrating all things environmental.
You may want to support the local businesses and come early to do some Christmas shopping, eat dinner at one of the great restaurants we have in downtown Encinitas (Vigilucci's, Beachside Bar and Grill, Q'ero, Roxy, Siamese Basil, too many to list them all) , then head to E street Cafe for some hot chocolate and a treat before throwing down your blanket and relaxing as the parade marches by.
Check out the flyer for this event at http://www.ci.encinitas.ca.us/NR/rdonlyres/D8F19CED-1263-493A-8610-2C56D73BDA53/0/Flyer.pdf
Bring the kids, the dogs, your relatives, etc. and come join the holiday tradition the old fashioned way at the 2009 Encinitas Holiday Parade...