Wow what a crazy 30 days this has been. Last month we were bombarded with the wet stuff and now the winter chill is on it's way! Are you and your family prepared for the curve balls that mother nature can throw our way? If you are like me you may think you are prepared but reality is that there are things missing from your list. I recently did a quick check through my home and was missing things that weren't necessarily necessities, but would make life a whole lot easier should we lose power or perhaps worse.
Here is a list of the basics that you should have easily accessible in event of an emergency.
This is the bare minimum. I know most of you with kits at the ready have more than this. For those of you that need to prepare go to the Weather Information Site. This is a one stop shop for all information and contacts that are winter related.
This site also has great energy saving tips to keep your home warm and comfortable without wasting tons of money. Give it a look and use this great year round resource.
Stay Safe and Warm During This Winter Season!