The two posts you posted previously were posts that were local in nature. Those are good for your blog and you should be posting them, but they do not generate comments. You do not have to get comments to get your name googled. It's good to have your local posts there in case someone is looking locally, which of course is your most important market! Here on AR, the comments will come on posts that are more general in nature, like this one. Yet this (AR) is not for your market audience. And yes, it takes time. Don't be hard on yourself. As Rich mentions, comment on others blogs and get into a conversation. Enjoy!
Cograts for adapting!
Just keep trying... as you read you will find topics that you can add to or expand on. I have been bogging for awhile ande I have several that have zero response... goes iwht the territory and topic and audience
You're doing fine. Just because no one responds doesn't mean that it's not being read. Hang in there, it will make since someday.
Hi Terry,
I just created a group for Hillsborough County. Feel free to join it and add your posts that pertain to anything in Hillsborough County to it. I saw you have a post about Ruskin. That would be a perfect post to add to my group.
It takes time. A lot of my posts don't have any comments or just a handful. Not many people comment on my posts that have to do with area info. People read them though. That's the important part.
Don't be offended if you don't get comments some of my biggest responses from new clients are from posts that haven't had a single comment.
You are doing something right! So got some responses to this blog. I've included a link to Mary Knight's blog: Sure Fire Formula for a Successful Blog Post below. Check it out. She has some great suggestions! Good luck!
In order to get comments you have to have quite a few things going on.... first there are over 5000 posts a week on this site - people only read blogs here and there, not every blog.
- Blog titles have to draw people in. Blogs need to be well written etc.
- People on A/R are more likely to read blogs on topics that appeal to professional realtors and/or blogging etc. A lot of localism posts don't get as many realtor comments, but are just read by visitors of localism.
- People have to know who you are... you are really new on the site and a lot of people haven't met you, so they are reading your blogs. Start reading and commenting on other people's blogs. Once they see you participating in their blogs - they'll come over to meet you and might comment on your blogs - reciprocate.
Welcome, Terry!
I hope you got all your questions answered.
Next time you have a question make sure you sue the "Search " or Q & A" buttons located on the top of the page. You just type the subject and all the instructions or articles on that subject will appear. I Look forward to reading your blogs.