
First Week of December Okay for Alameda Home Sales

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With the first week of December already over, just 17 shopping days left for those celebrating Christmas, I wanted to monitor the Alameda sales carefully as we close out the year. The market loses about seven day in the month between the 24th and the 31st for home sales. A few homes will sell and close during the period but for the most part any sale in Alameda has will come in the first 20 days.

The month already has seven home sales recorded for December and at that is a good pace to beat last years sales for the final month of the year. In December 2008, the Island saw just 21 sales and finished the year with 444 sales. Through the first 11 months of 2009, Alameda now has 414 sales and is now just 23 sales short of matching last year. This is amazing since sales were pacing far behind in June, the second of the year proved to be better for sales.

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