When a new client calls me for the first time with questions about home staging, they often wonder what we provide when staging a vacant home. I usually go through the basics with them verbally and then direct them to one of our real estate shows to give them a visual idea of the transformation.
It surprises me though that sometimes, even when I describe the services provided, and they see the photos of an empty house and then a home with furniture, art, accessories, plants, etcetera that they still don't understand what services a stager provides.
"So do you bring in furniture?" Yes. "Do you bring in plants and stuff?" Yes. "What about towels and bedding?" Yes, are you looking at the same photos I am? "Oh, so you bring all that?" Yes, that is the work we do. "Ah, I see now."
Of course, the services provided can vary depending upon the project and the budget. Some homeowners prefer simple stagings or vignette stagings that create an inviting ambience without using complete sets of furniture. We often use a combination of fuller staging and vignette staging in different rooms of the same home, focusing fuller staging on more important rooms and vignette staging of additional bedrooms and such.
All vacant stagings begin with a visit to the property. Continued...