
So How Do You Stage a Vacant Home?

Home Stager with Get Staged 2 Sell

When a new client calls me for the first time with questions about home staging, they often wonder what we provide when staging a vacant home.  I usually go through the basics with them verbally and then direct them to one of our real estate shows to give them a visual idea of the transformation.

It surprises me though that sometimes, even when I describe the services provided, and they see the photos of an empty house and then a home with furniture, art, accessories, plants, etcetera that they still don't understand what services a stager provides.

"So do you bring in furniture?"  Yes.  "Do you bring in plants and stuff?" Yes.  "What about towels and bedding?"  Yes, are you looking at the same photos I am?  ;-)  "Oh, so you bring all that?"  Yes, that is the work we do.  "Ah, I see now."

Of course, the services provided can vary depending upon the project and the budget.  Some homeowners prefer simple stagings or vignette stagings that create an inviting ambience without using complete sets of furniture.  We often use a combination of fuller staging and vignette staging in different rooms of the same home, focusing fuller staging on more important rooms and vignette staging of additional bedrooms and such.

All vacant stagings begin with a visit to the property. Continued...

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John Occhi
Excellence in Real Estate Tm @ Allison James Estates & Homes - San Jacinto, CA
ePRO, Five Star Certified, Riverside Cnty REO Expert, 951.443.6259

I once had a very nice high end vacant home.  I kicked around the same question and came up with the idea of finding a furniture store to stage it for me.  They brought in their furniture - I took professional grade photos and gave them credit and a coupon on the home flyer (8 1/2 by 17 - printed on both sides) and for the first open house they even had a sales person attend the OH with me.  I shared all of my guest book leads with them and everyone was happy.  Not only did they stage most of the rooms - they hung art work and bought the champagne for the event - OK, it was only Cooks, but we opened up a bottle for everyone who stopped and chatted with us.

Unfortunately, it did take some rejection to find the right furniture store - but one smart cookie saw the value and they did get to add some impressive buyers to their mailing list.  I don't know what the long term effect was - but I did sell the home within the first month of it being listed and I am convinced that the staging did help.


Jul 02, 2007 06:11 PM
ARDELL DellaLoggia
Better Properties Seattle - Kirkland, WA
I'd love to see a shot of a vignette and then the same room fully staged.  Not sure I really know what a vignette is other than "less".
Jul 02, 2007 07:02 PM
Jackie Moye
Bob Parks Realty - Franklin, TN
Since I sell new construction just the addition of some small pieces of furniture allows people to have better depth perception. A 20x20 master suite looks big but how big is it?
Jul 02, 2007 11:56 PM
Irina Netchaev
Pasadena Views Real Estate Team, Inc. - Pasadena, CA
Pasadena CA Real Estate
Nickie, as you know, I am a great believer in staging my clients' homes.  Together, with your staging expertise and help, we have been able to sell our clients homes faster and for more money!!!  Great job Nickie!
Jul 03, 2007 03:08 AM
Nickie Rothwell
Get Staged 2 Sell - Los Angeles, CA

Great job John!  Staging makes a world of difference in how buyers react to a home.

Yes Jackie, even large rooms feel larger when furniture is in them.  They really put a room in perspective.

Irina, as always, thanks for the kind words!  We always have fun on our jobs.

Ardell, I have a sample for you...

Jul 03, 2007 10:43 AM
Nickie Rothwell
Get Staged 2 Sell - Los Angeles, CA

For Ardell and others wondering where vignette staging might come into play...

We recently staged a home where the homeowner was on a tight budget, but she wanted her home to sell quickly.  She shared a very touching email with me just this past week, so I will use a few of her words to describe her goals and then show you a couple photos of different rooms we did for her to get it done.

"After being on the market for over a month, I decided to stage it.  The comments from prospective buyers kept coming back that the house was beautiful but the rooms were too small.  So I had to prove them wrong.  It was an excellent investment - we had an offer within a few days."

Vignette staging a den

This den is pretty straightforward, and while we could have fit a full sofa, accent chairs and tables, only minimal staging was needed to create the right feeling.

Staged child's room

Buyers kept saying this bedroom was too small to use, so we staged it with an adult sized twin bed, accent table, and (what you can't see in this photo) a large chest of drawers and a few toys; emphasizing to buyers the complete functionality of this room.  This home sold within a few days of staging.

As you can see, we did not overfill any of these rooms.  When you create a warm inviting space to greet buyers as they enter a home you get their attention.  And when you show to them that all living spaces are usable, you keep it.

Jul 03, 2007 11:07 AM
Betty Haney
Haney Consulting - Calgary, AB
Nickie, I love the little dress hung on the wall.  It looks so cute.  I agree that clients are often confused about what staging a vacant entails.  They are surprised to learn that plants, art, towels, etc are all included in the price.  Betty
Jul 03, 2007 02:07 PM
Lori Hakeem Oxley
Charles Rutenberg Realty, Inc. - Tampa, FL
I'm with Betty, I love the little dress, Nickie.  I think we all need to remember that staging and real estate are OUR professions...the clients have their own professions.  It's our job to educated them.
Jul 03, 2007 03:09 PM
Penny Schoenbeck
AZ Home Styling & Redesign - Mesa, AZ
AZ Home Styling


Great post, love your pictures! Seeing is believeing! I had the same issue with one of my vacant stagings, the master was too small (this house was listed for $1m and on the market a year) and for that price tag the master was too small! So I staged it with a king size bed, and no real bed room furniture. I only used 2 glass top end table and a matching sofa table, they were the "night stands and dresser" I also put in a chair. The room looked big and spacious and no ever said a word about the lack of bed room funiture! The house sold in 8 weeks in a bidding war! "Got Staging?"

Jul 03, 2007 03:39 PM
Nickie Rothwell
Get Staged 2 Sell - Los Angeles, CA

Betty, Lori, Penny,

Thank you!  It's fun when we have a room that is a "challenge".  It gives us an opportunity to really help both the sellers and the buyers by showing how rooms can be used efficiently.

And I love the little dress too, as a mom of two grown daughters myself, it is always fun when I get a chance to do a little girl's room.

Jul 04, 2007 04:08 AM