
Need CMO Buyers For Prime Deals!!!

Services for Real Estate Pros with ComResInvestments

Need CMO Buyers For Prime Deals!!!  

We are connected to a licensed securities trader who specializes in CMO transactions. His clients include several substantial institutions, and the ability to sift through and analyze the best of the best, essentially cherry picking assets based on yield, valuation and pricing.

Interested buyer's and buyer's counsel will be connected via conference call with the trader. Trader will then pull the prospective asset, give a brief overview, discuss the investment and provide the buyer with any and all information that is needed to establish comfort with the transaction. This includes, but is not limited to screen shots, payment histories and prospectuses.

Once satisfied, the buyer will then contact his own securities firm and request that a buy ticket be issued.  

If you are a direct buyer or mandate, please send your full contact information to: to be connected quickly. Get your transaction(s) done before the new year!  

Patrick B. Simmons

a division of simmons road enterprises, inc.
2500 Al Simmons Road - Dover, Fl 33527
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