What to focus at the end of the year
Daily Prospecting
It's hard to believe that we are in December. I believe that December is the toughest month of the year to stay motivated and consistent in many areas of our business. Number one would be prospecting. You could have the mindset that everyone has "hung it up" for the year or you could be one of the few who ignores the calendar and makes prospecting a daily discipline. Set daily goals calling on new prospects and following up with all warm ones. This daily action will give you a strong finish and get you off to an excellent start for 2010.
Go to Network/Holiday Gatherings
Don't turn down opportunities to go to these events. It allows you to be in a "non-salesy" environment and you get the chance to meet many people that you have never engaged with before. Be a Netweaver. This term was coined by Bob Littel (Go to www.netweaver.com to learn more). Netweaver's have a willing heart to share their connections with those that they meet. I've talked to Bob a couple of times, and each time Bob has introduced me to a number of top selling authors that I would never have the opportunity to meet in my lifetime. Be a good listener and ask questions that are focused on the other person. Find out what their biggest challenges are in their business. Be willing to share those you are connected to without strings attached. The Law of Reciprocity will take in effect and in some way forces the listener to give back to you-possibly in future business or referrals. The old saying was it who you know that matters. Now the new saying is "It's who knows you that matters".
Tracking Your Daily Results
What doesn't get measured doesn't get done. How do you know if you really accomplished what you set out to do daily if you don't have a way to track the actions and results? I created the PROS Activity Tracker that allows me to track the phone calls to suspects, prospects, clients and professional referral sources. I can check throughout the day how I am doing and do mid-day corrections if needed. It also reminds me to send out thank you cards which I try to send out two a day-even on weekends.
December is a wonderful time to strategize projects, marketing ideas and putting together your business plan for next year. If public speaking is part of your plan, what new subjects could you speak on that your competition is not. Think about a new strategies that will help your professional referral sources increase their business. You might think this idea is a bit wacked out, but I can tell you that it pays dividends.
Take time to read
Make reading a goal for 2010. I try to read a new book every week. This habit has given me great ideas for my business and ideas that I can pass to others.
Calling your top 250 Connections
Make a list of the top 250 people you know and connect up with them in December. Find out what their challenges are in their business or ask them for a name of professional referral source that would be a good lead for you. Let them know that you are gearing up for the next 90 Days and you are looking to align yourself with great people to gear up for 2010. Explain to your connections what a great professional referral source looks like. Don't be surprised that they give you a couple of names and maybe even call the referral to set up the call.
I know that it's difficult to stay focused in December. Get up early everyday and get the "stuff" that needs to be done, but not necessarily during the working hours. I'll ask those around me how their day went, and they will answer "busy". My question to them is, "Is it busy work or busy building your business work". Have a wonderful and prosperous weekend!!
Tom Ninness is Vice President/Regional Production Manager for Cherry Creek Mortgage in Denver, CO. He is also the President of Summit Champions, Inc. and creator of the "The 90 Day Journey to Your Sales Success", a powerful 90 day action plan for the sales professional. To learn more about The Journey and Summit Champions, visit www.90dayjourney.com, www.summitchampions.com or contact Tom at tomninness@summitchampions.com Office: 720-221-4396.