Yes. I have a short list. A short list of homes and/or property, typically not listed by me...which I believe to be outstanding properties and outstanding opportunities for any potential buyer. My short list is not published. It's my best kept secret. It could be a certain home listed on the market, vacant land, a diamond in the rough (great for flipping and/or making into your dream property), etc. It must meet certain criteria that I have established and something that I would consider buying myself if I were in the market!
This list contains no more than 5 properties and ebbs and flows as either I or someone else sells them. You will not find the mundane or cookie cutter homes. What you will hear and see, if you contact me, all about unique properties (no more than 5) at an unbelieveable value with loads of potential. Are you curious yet?
Now, I realize that for whatever reason, the location, the style, or something else might not appeal to you about my Top 5 properties. Please keep hope though. I am a great "treasure-finder". I love looking for the diamond-in-the-rough so that others can turn their dreams into reality! What are you waiting for? Let's go!
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New Home Hunters of Fort Worth and Tarrant County - Fort Worth, TX
Fort Worth Real Estate
Terri: This sounds like a very good plan of action. I think all agents should keep this sort of list... and just have it ready for when the occasion arises. Keep up the great work... I'm glad this has worked well for you. :)
Dec 12, 2009 02:05 AM
Rice Prprty Mgmnt & Rlty, LLC, South Holland, IL - Lansing, IL
Hi Terri! Just came in to welcome you to Active Rain! Be encouraged in your blogging efforts... you have a good start!
Dec 12, 2009 05:59 AM
Shorewest Realtors - Oconomowoc, WI
Realtor, Waukesha County WI Real Estate
Shorewest Realtors - Oconomowoc, WI
Realtor, Waukesha County WI Real Estate
Hi Diane! This blogging is interesting! I said to my Sales Manager...10 years ago when the internet was starting to hit...the naysayers were proven wrong...Then we had e-mail...and now social networking...soooo, I'm on the train! ;-)
Dec 12, 2009 10:30 AM
L.A. Property Solutions - Los Angeles, CA
For Los Angeles real estate help 213-215-4758
This is a great idea for a note to my SOI and prospects. I keep a folder of "great listings" but it never occurred to me to share it in such a way. Duh!
Dec 13, 2009 03:39 AM