I just happened to be bop into our local pizza place to grab a large pepperoni and soda when in walked a prior client of mine from several years ago. Her and her husband used to own a prominent franchise in our area and has since gone belly up. While waiting for our orders, we took some time to catch up. She's been listening to me on the radio and really likes our format and the music.
We then switched over to real estate. She informed me rather non-chalantly that she called one of my competitors that day to come in and list one of her rentals. I just sat there stunned!
I told her she made a fantastic choice and I hope everything works out for her.
But, if for some reason it doesn't work out with her current Realtor, feel free to give me a call and we can see what I can do for her to get her rental sold. It was now her turn to look stunned!
She had no idea I was still in real estate. She thought I was out of the business for good and my radio show has been doing very well.
I then informed her that I moved over to a larger, nationally recognized company and is still doing quite well.
What a wake up call!
I haven't stayed in contact with any of my past clients, never made the effort to advertise myself and stopped talking about real estate all together!
Starting tomorrow, every client will be contacted, my new ads will go online and my website will finally be updated. 2010 will be an amazing year!!