I was home this Sunday night reflecting back on my year of 2009! The truth of the matter is I really did not get going until March and got out of the starting blocks very slow.
It just seemed like did not feel like working at all! Has anybody else experienced this feeling? I mean, spending many hours and 6-7 days a week in 2008 to make an awesome income was great but it just kinda caught up with me and I felt burned out and tired. Seems like every year in this business we start with a clean slate and need to go out and make it happen all over again.
This year I will not make the same mistake and will watch carefully how and where I spend my time. It does not take long for March to show up and you have only done 3 ends and feeling sick.
I will put my goals down in paper and put my systems in place and will watch carefully at every detail of my marketing, expenses and lead generation.
I think if anything, I have learned a valuable lesson and will take measures to correct things,
Until next time,
Super Dario