
Cause Marketing - Could it be a Win-Win for you and those who need help?

Services for Real Estate Pros with Homes For Heroes

Times are tough - we've all heard that over and over.  The Charities in our communities are receiving fewer donations because of everyone tightening their belts and purse strings.  The numbers of those in need are growing as the resources to help them shrinks.

As the winter holidays approach at breakneck speed, we are running around trying to connect with friends and family.  Business planning seems to take a backseat and we say "I'll get to that after the first of the year."

Now is when you should be planning for the success of your 2010 business, because when January hits - you want to hit the ground running. 

Cause Marketing has been around for years.  Just look at what Sears, Lowes and the sponsors of Extreme Makeover Home Edition are doing.  It's a great way to show support for the communities you live in and do business in.

                    Extreme Makeover Home Edition Logo.jpg

Have you found a local charity or national Cause Marketing group to align yourself with?  In addition to being a write off for your business - it's a great way to build yourself a niche in your community.

Help those deserving and help your 2010 business too.

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Dianne Hicks
Realty ONE Group - Poway, CA

Great timely post. Giving back to your communitiy is a great thing. I am partial to food drives because they need is so great. The problem is.. people always need to eat, not just during the holidays. Food banks are really struggling right now. It is so easy to pick up something extra with the buy one get one free deal.

Dec 17, 2009 01:31 AM
Denese Weems
American Home Key - Austin, TX

Great post Brad!

My charity of choice is Habitat for Humanity.

I give a donation to Habitat for Humanity every time I have a closing. I make the donation in honor of my buyer. As long as the donation is at least $10, Habitat sends my buyer a greeting card that says a donation was made on their behalf. The card does not mention the amount of the donation, so I can donate a dollar amount accordingly to the transaction.

This is a win, win, win, win (probably more wins!) situation.

Habitat gets much needed funds, my buyer feels good about helping another family acheive homeownership and it didn't cost them a dime, I get to feel good about helping another family (btw I also donate my time on area builds), AND added bonus - Habitat does the marketing piece for me.

By the way, thanks for giving me another idea of what to blog to my local agents this week!! :-)

Dec 17, 2009 01:52 AM
Brad Oosterhuis
Homes For Heroes - Minneapolis, MN

Emily - Educators are our unsung heroes in our communities!

Michael - Good Work! Health-care works can use lots of volunteers

Russ - Pay it forward will pay you back!

Amy - Plan your work and work your plan!

David - Alot of those people are Vet's - thanks for supporting them.

Lynda - Nice hat - and good sentiment.

Luke and Dan - pay it forward works.

Jon - Don't know how to make graphics link yet.

Frank - The big winners in real estate use Cause Marketing to its fullest extent.

Kyle - you don't need to flaunt it - word gets around, your actions will speak volumes.

Larry - there's always someone worse of than you.

Diane - Great point - support your community ALL year.

Denese - Pass the word.

Dec 17, 2009 02:23 AM
Marian Pierre-Louis
Fieldstone Historic Research - Medway, MA
Metrowest Boston

Brad, would you suggest that for broker/owners or for individual agents too?  -Marian

Dec 17, 2009 02:28 AM
Tony Grego, 317-663-4173 #1 Trade Association for Alternative Inv
REISA - 317-663-4173 - Indianapolis, IN

Great info and a great post. Thanks for the info

have a great day


Dec 17, 2009 02:36 AM
Brad Oosterhuis
Homes For Heroes - Minneapolis, MN

Marian - If you're a broker, pick a particular cause that the majority of your agents will support, it will make it more cost effective and increase the contribution.  If you're an individual agent, find a cause that is close to your heart and give.

Dec 17, 2009 02:37 AM
Brad Oosterhuis
Homes For Heroes - Minneapolis, MN

Janet - You're exactly right. Do it because giving is the right thing to do. Pick a cause that's close to your heart first - the benefits back to you are your gift for giving.

Dec 17, 2009 02:56 AM
Amy Law
Alliance Properties - Crosby, TX

To make a link to a website, just type the name or whatever, (such as Habitat for Humanity...) then highlight the name w/ your mouse. There is a little symbol right above in the edit menu box, there is a symbol there that looks like chain links, next to the 123 list button. Click on that chain link, and then a box will appear, and you can "link" the words to the website. It will let you search, but I often just open a new window, find the website, and copy and paste. Once you finish that, click insert. It is very easy to do. It will highlight and underline the link for you. Then, TA DA! 

Dec 17, 2009 03:24 AM
Taylor Shults Philley
Austin Realty Firm - Austin, TX
Broker, Realtor , GRI

Brad, these are great points to remind us all of. I really need to not only put my business plan together, but also find time to give back! My family is sponsoring another family in need and getting all their gifts for them this year. That's always a fun time!

Dec 17, 2009 03:30 AM
Benjamin Clark
Homebuyer Representation, Inc. - Salt Lake City, UT
Buyer's Agent - Certified Negotiation Expert

Thank you for the reminder to keep giving back. Helping others will indeed bring more success to the individual and the business involved.

Dec 17, 2009 03:48 AM
Jackie Cross
Real Living All Florida Realty - Port St Lucie, FL

It is a great time of year to be giving...remember what goes around comes around.

Dec 17, 2009 03:54 AM
Joe Pryor
The Virtual Real Estate Team - Oklahoma City, OK
REALTOR® - Oklahoma Investment Properties

Real estate like any endeavor should not be compartmentalized. I also believe that it is important to givr of your time to causes not just your money. In these times needs are even greater. 

Dec 17, 2009 07:19 AM
Gene Riemenschneider
Home Point Real Estate - Brentwood, CA
Turning Houses into Homes

I did a post on this.  In short it is great to give.  I do not like it too much when companies ask me to donate to something when I am buying something (Why should say BIG BOX STORE collect money from me and then use it to give and promote the store).  I struggle because I believe my faith requires giving quietly and because I believe; not for gain on my part. My giving is off as my income is off.

All my profits do go to needy children - mine!  Or as I say to my wife, "We are a non-profit organization."

Merry Christmas

Dec 17, 2009 09:23 AM
Gary Woltal
Keller Williams Realty - Flower Mound, TX
Assoc. Broker Realtor SFR Dallas Ft. Worth
Brad, good idea, it is double exposure!
Dec 17, 2009 10:39 AM
Beverly of Bev & Bob Meaux
Keller Williams Suburban Realty - West Orange, NJ
Where Buying & Selling Works

Brad, good thoughts. A way to give back and pay it forward while doing some business too. I will have to think more about this when I do 2010 planning.

Dec 17, 2009 10:45 AM
Brad Oosterhuis
Homes For Heroes - Minneapolis, MN

Thanks everyone for your comments.  Joe made an important point about cause marketing - it's not always about giving money - it's giving time too.  Your face in the communities affairs is a low cost PR effort for you while you're helping others.

Also, use blogging, twitter and facebook to let your voice be heard about the causes that are important to you. Just as I am doing.  I use social media to focus attention on our community heroes like Police, Fire, Military, educators and emergency workers in our communities.  Decide what's important to you and give to your community - it will be rewarding to you in many ways.

So, start thinking about what you'll do in 2010 and have a great year ahead.

Dec 18, 2009 12:45 AM
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
Real Estate Broker Retired

I do Childrens Miracle Network with RE/MAX and Clothes for Heroes to help IL service men & women that need help with their mortgage payment with clothing donations.

Dec 18, 2009 08:53 AM
Dolores "Dee" Mauriello
Keller Willaims - Wayne, NJ
Realtor, Homes For Sale Wayne NJ

Brad your post and all the comments have been a great inspiration to me. I will make this part of my 2010 marketing plan. Thanks to all.

Dec 20, 2009 12:29 PM
Dana Smithers
PRES Staging Resource Centre - Vancouver, BC
PRES Staging Training, Redesign Training & Busines

Interesting comment Brad about 'giving'. I have found that more people are giving more this year than ever before, whether it be monetary or volunteering when they had not done so before. At my home staging school, the PRES Staging Resource Centre every staging training home client, rather than paying me now to do their home makeover at a reduced cost, makes a donation to their favourite charity on behalf of the school. This year they have donated over $1000 to charities. It's a WIN - WIN. May we keep on giving to those who have less :)

Dec 21, 2009 07:43 AM
Karen Rittenhouse - Greensboro, NC
Real Estate Investor

I don't think I'd even heard the term "cause marketing".  What a great idea to connect a local charity to our name for marketing.

Thanks for the idea.

Dec 21, 2009 08:45 AM