

Mortgage and Lending with PEOPLES MORTGAGE CO. AZBK 0904164 NMLS 6274 AZLO 0915719 NMLS 216866

MEN, WOMEN................AND DIRECTIONS!!

Tis the season to be jolly.................Not when you don't have good directions to help you get to your destination! On my way to my 4th Holiday party of the day last Saturday, with my boyfriend Randy driving, we get lost because "He knows where he is going." Now haven't we gals heard that before???? His way of thinking is if he has an address, he will get there. My way of thinking is I want to know exactly every street and turn I will encounter, along with the address to get to my final destination.

Kind of like what I give to all of my clients who are seeking to purchase a home for the first time. I just don't let them know an escrow officer will contact them to sign their final documents and let them muddle through the process with no direction. I educate them on every step of the process, with some items such as:

-Why I need certain initial documents to submit with their file (Yes, we need to show you are employed!!)

-Time-frames for appraisals, approvals, underwriting etc.........(I didn't choose that appraiser who is getting me the appraisal 2 weeks after his due date!)

-What affects interest rates for their particular file (Yes, skipping out on that apartment complex in your late teens is still haunting you.)

-Expect the loan to be approved with "conditions" and what these normally are (LOE etc)

-What they need to do and most importantly, not do, while we are in the process of the transaction (Why do they think they just "need' to have that new car now??)

Now isn't that what the better"Mortgage Loan Originator's" are suppose to do? I would think that all conscientious ones would, ones who want referral business anyways. So isn't that what good boyfriends and husbands are suppose to do when driving us gals to a destination? My guess is that they are not so concerned about referrals, which I guess is fine with me because despite our differences in getting to a location, he is a keeper and we did arrive on time  :)



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Bob Jakowinicz
National Realty Centers Livonia--Bob Jakowinicz - Livonia, MI
Michigan Real Estate Agent-- MI Real Adventures

Lori, it is almost just a good idea it seems to do nothing until your home loan is closed.

Dec 17, 2009 08:38 AM
Wayne and Lynda Gomillion
Real Living Hagan Realtors | Pinehurst ~ Southern Pines, NC - Pinehurst, NC

Lori, Having a conscientious loan officer as a strategic partner is an absolute necessity in today's market!

Thanks for the post and all you do.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holydays

The Pinehurst Home Team


Dec 17, 2009 08:44 AM
Dawn A Fabiszak
Private Label Realty ( Denver metro area, Colorado - Aurora, CO
The Dawn of a New Real Estate Experience!

Lori, It sounds like a GPS would be a great Christmas present for Randy!!lol

Dec 17, 2009 10:08 AM
Carra Riley & Declan Kenyon
Brokers Guild Cherry Creek Ltd - Westminster, CO
Helping people Transition at all ages!


What a great post! I think most men are just challenged with directions. Glad you got to your party, and I hope it was a ton of fun.

Dec 17, 2009 10:14 AM
Anna "Banana" Kruchten
Retired Broker/Owner - Phoenix, AZ

Ha Ha Ha or is that Ho Ho Ho!  I am glad you made it to our party last Saturday inspite of Randy's driving lack of directions driving!  You weren't the only gal who frustrated that night!!!!

I like the way you related it to the loan process and educating your clients. You did a fantastic job with Derek and Heather and I so appreciate your hands on approach and great follow through!

Hey - where is a picture?  Did you forget how to do that. Call me if you need help chiquita!

Dec 17, 2009 10:25 AM
Brian Madigan
RE/MAX West Realty Inc., Brokerage (Toronto) - Toronto, ON
LL.B., Broker



Good analogy. Now, I think that I need Google Maps for my real estate practice.



Dec 17, 2009 10:51 PM
Toni Weidman
Sailwinds Realty - Trinity, FL
20+ Years Selling Homes in New Port Richey, FL

Lori, After the deal I've just had with an nameless bank, I have one question. When are you moving to Florida so I can use you?

Dec 18, 2009 12:06 AM
Lori Martinez Equal Housing Lender
PEOPLES MORTGAGE CO. AZBK 0904164 NMLS 6274 - Prescott, AZ
Personal Mortgage Professional

Bob, Wayne Brian, and Dawn,

Thanks for the comments. Maybe I should put Randy's hunting GPS  tool in his truck!!

Dec 19, 2009 01:36 AM
Lori Martinez Equal Housing Lender
PEOPLES MORTGAGE CO. AZBK 0904164 NMLS 6274 - Prescott, AZ
Personal Mortgage Professional


It was a great party for Randy's Friday networking group for the Chamber, hosted by none other than the Banana Queen. Yes, tons of fun!

Dec 19, 2009 01:38 AM
Lori Martinez Equal Housing Lender
PEOPLES MORTGAGE CO. AZBK 0904164 NMLS 6274 - Prescott, AZ
Personal Mortgage Professional


I got the pic in!!! I figured it out playing around. I knew it couldn't be that hard to find. I will remember to insert a pic every time I blog "O Active Rain Mentor of Mine." Gracias!

Dec 19, 2009 01:40 AM
Lori Martinez Equal Housing Lender
PEOPLES MORTGAGE CO. AZBK 0904164 NMLS 6274 - Prescott, AZ
Personal Mortgage Professional

Hey Brian, How is the google map working out for you?


Hey Toni, I can close loans in Florida!! Lenders are really getting strict, really tightening their guidelines and getting pretty picky about how we get things submitted to them. I know some changes were needed but some have gone way overboard. Like most things, if LO's would just follow policy and have integrity, all the changes were really unneccesary. Call me anytime to help you out!

Jan 11, 2010 04:52 AM