Top 10 Holiday Gift Ideas for Clients That Cost Little or No Money.
Please keep in mind that there are many different holidays this time of year so don't just assume someone celebrates the one that you do. Always ask before assuming. Anyway, I thought this might be something every real estate agent may find helpful this season so I wanted to share it with you.
Top 10 Holiday Gift Ideas for Clients That Cost Little or No Money:
1. An offer to hang holiday lighting (time consuming so only offer to that extra special client)
2. A holiday bread, pie, or plate of cookies
3. A holiday wreath
4. A homemade cookbook from YOU! Put together your favorite recipes and bind them together with a nice cover with your contact information.
5. Walk The Dog Day! Designate one day that you will designate as a Dog Walking Day where you will walk your clients' dogs to give them a little extra time needed to get ready for the holidays.
6. A cookie or recipe swap amongst several clients. Host a swap at your office or even your home where your clients can come in and spend an hour or two with other people that you've worked with.
7. Gift Wrapping Service - Offer your best clients one free hour of your gift wrapping talents. They can bring their gifts to your office or you could go to their home and wrap their gifts.
8. Pictures with Santa - Set up a designated time at your office where you will offer free photos with Santa. Better yet, offer to pop by the home of those who want to participate.
9. A Holiday Post Office Run - If you've ever been to the post office this time of year you can appreciate how helpful it would be to offer to ship something on their behalf for the holidays. If you have several people take you up on this you can save time by sending them all at once.
10. Your Company - This time of year is not joyous and happy for everyone. Do you have clients that moved away from family and friends this year? Sometimes just your company for a visit and a cup of tea is more meaningful than anything else you could offer.