We're probably all familiar with the playground request for a "do-over". A child misses the ball and asks for a do-over. The dice are dropped during a board game and the participant wants a do-over. You get the idea. It's asking for a second chance to do something.
Motivational speakers will say that life does not give us do-overs. In other words, don't waste your chances. Most of the time that's true, but fortunately, not always.
I recently unintentionally hurt a dear friend's feelings and my friend was very angry with me. I value this person's friendship and would never have deliberately or maliciously done anything to cause them any distress. However, I still managed to, even inadvertently. So I explained, I said I was sorry, I asked for forgiveness, I begged and I groveled. As you can tell, the offense was huge. I asked for a do-over. Luckily for me I choose my friends well and this person agreed that I could have a second chance.
In real estate, just like in life, you don't always get a second chance. You have a fiduciary responsibility to your clients and an ethical responsibility to your customers. It's imperitive that you get it right.
So what do you do if you need a do-over? If you've offended someone, follow my lead and just plain apologize without excuses. "I'm sorry I didn't get back to you sooner" is more effective than "I'm sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. I was out of town. I wasn't feeling well and then my hamster died". Frankly your clients don't care. They just want the service they feel they need.
A more serious problem, such as with paperwork or worse yet with the financial aspect of the deal may require your broker's intervention if it can't be resolved between the agents. Again, be honest and forthright. It is so much easier to resolve things before it gets to dispute mediation or the courts.
Life gives us second chances more often than any of us deserve. Forgiveness is a blessing. Be grateful for the second chances, don't squander them and pay the do-overs forward. I promise you your life will be less stressful and more rewarding.