Some time ago while on a sales call, I came across a situation that consisted of one gentleman who was holding hostage his toddler. The police ordered all the neighboring buildings to stay indoors and to not let anyone in or out. Not knowing this, I knocked on the door of the RE office that stands one building over from where all the commotion was occurring. I was surprised to see my good friend, Jeremy whip the door open and say, "hurry in, the police said not to leave the office!"
I don't know how this will go over with the moderators, but I hope it will be allowed as it's important. Please consider RE-Blogging this as it is something we should ALL know.
I originally wrote a post that highlighted the scene outside with pictures and snide comments, but later I found out what the outcome of the commotion was. The man who had barricaded himself in his apartment had indeed taken his own life. I deleted my last post because of the impact this truth had on me and I have, until now, not posted anything since. As a soldier, I come across more suicide situations than I would like to admit to and the reality is that I believe it was wrong of me to be so cold to this topic.
My Challenge:
I encourage and challenge all who read this to be an outlet to those around you who you think are having a hard time this and every holiday season. There really is NO good excuse to not care about another life and we never know when we will be in a situation where we may be the ONLY person keeping an individual from taking his or her life.
I am currently in the Army and because of the high number of service members taking their lives we are bombarded with anti-suicide training. We are taught how to pick up the behaviors and comments of someone who may be contemplating hurting themselves. I know not everyone is privy to this training so I searched out some sites that could be of some help. I hope this post acts as a reminder of how precious life is and of how hurting some of those around us may be...please reach out and be a blessing to your neighbor. You never know whose life you may save. May God bless you and keep you in this Christmas season.
I found this to be a decent link for information: Please click here.
The following are some websites:;; and