Active Rain has consistently been the best resource for advice regarding social networking and general RE industry knowledge. This is why I am yet again seeking your help. In trying to maintain a top spot on Google, how much time should I dedicate of my day, week, and month on Social Media?
I ask this simply because I find as I become more and more involved with blogging and on-line networking that some folks spend their entire working day plugged in. Others I've spoken to tell me that they only dedicate their Saturday mornings to blogging and hang out on twitter and facebook throughout the week. When I try to see how they do it, I find that their entire life is well documented on both web-sites. This makes me wonder, how much business is realistically generated solely from Social Media?
I would love to find out, from you Active Rainers, how much time do you spend on Social Media and what fruits are you seeing from your activities while online? Please be honest as I truly am seeking positive direction. I look forward to your response. In the mean time, have a merry Christmas and an amazing New Year!!!