Pit Bulls and Real Estate
Good information. Regardless of whether or not the dog does physical harm it must be taken care of to make a listing less intimidating. I know I had a listing a few years ago that had a renter who owned a Pit Bull. When that dog was home and the renter was at work it was impossible to show the property because the dog was so intimidating with its barking, agressiveness, and overall mental representation the dog's breed came with.
The true American Pit Bull terrier has been a dog misunderstood. While many people see the strong and intelligent dog as a tool to strike fear into people and other dogs, others know what the dog is truly capable of doing. Those people know that the dog is one of the cuddliest dogs on the face of the planet. It is these people who truly know just how unfair real estate insurance is when it comes to viewing the breed of the dog, and not the dog himself.
All insurance companies fear the loss of funds through claims. Things will happen, damage will be done to a home and someone may sue for injury while at the home. However, some insurance companies go almost too far with their fear of a claim and ban some of the most loving pets from being kept because there are others who would use that pet to do harm. These insurance companies often will ban American Pit Bull Terriers and other "dangerous" breeds such as Dobermans and rottweilers to prevent dog bite injuries.
This tactic often does not work in the favor of the real estate insurance companies. Those individuals who would have an American Pit Bull Terrier would bite are also likely to have a golden retriever or other dog that will bite too. It is not the dog who is at fault for biting most of the time, but rather the situation the dog was placed in and the training of the dog by the owner. Time will show that no breed is more likely to bite than another, but certain owners are more likely to have aggressive dogs than others.