
7% Money for Sonoma County Home Improvment? 0 Down financing?! Only pay Twice Per Year?

Real Estate Agent with The Kelly-Norman Team Keller Williams RE

Those living in the Sonoma County, California Marketplace now have a super tool available which will allow, with qualifications, many energy efficiency updates, retrofits, new alternative energy upgrades to your Sonoma County Home. Below find some talking points.

  The first BIGGIE to me, being a Realtor interested in fair and equal distribution of the burden of energy efficiency to the general population and all citizenry, is the Ordinance is Not a Point of Sales Legislative Act and/or City Ordinance!! Point of sale is grossly unfair to the homeowner, buyers when a program's implementation is ONLY through Point of Sale contact. Especially in this case where you wish to begin the program NOW--waiting for the implementation of Energy Policy via the sale of a home will take forever!!

  •         Voluntary Contractual Assessment Program-AB811 authorizing Cities/counties.
  •       All improvements Must be permanently affixed to res,comm.,industrial property      
  •       Request and Consent of the property owners-Energy AND Water Conservation
  •       Payable semi-annual installments with Prop. Tax Bill
  •       Serves Multi-faceted Purpose: provides homeowner energy/water conservation to reduce utility   bills, boosts local economy-contractors to work, allows Son Cty to fulfill energy/water/climate protection commitments
  •       Goal-Cities within & SonCty-reduce greenhouse gas emission 25% below 1990 levels by 2015.
  •      Program financing-no money down, fixed rate financing, over a number of years. Rate now at 7%.
  •        Requirements: Property vested in applicants, Current on taxes, not in bankruptcy, current on mortgage, Improvements "reasonable to prop. Value", not exceed 10% of assessed value
  •        Covers: Water Conservation-low flow toilets, tank less water heaters, irrigation controllers, Energy-windows/doors, attic insulation, HVAC equip, Solar-solar energy generation/solar hot water systems
  •        Onsite survey by hiring a "Home Energy Rating Systems (HERS) rater. Cost included in the application for financing
  •        Commercial properties qualify similarly.
  •        Min Financing amt: Min--$2,500.00. 10-20 year assessment repayment period $5,000 below. No "Cap". However, cost exceeding $60,000 will need approval of the "Program Administrator. Excess of $500,000 need Board of Supervisor's approval.
  •        County initial outlay--$45,000 Bond money.
  •        Go to: for application. Or call: 707-521-6200 or email: for all the details.