
Why rates are not going to get to 4%!

Reblogger Connie Smith
Real Estate Agent with The Smith Group, Keller Williams Realty Success 100029135


Hi everyone.  Here is a little light reading regarding interests rates as told by my friend Ruth Vogt, WR Starkey Mortgage.

Makes sense!


Original content by Ruth Vogt NMLS257576

I hate long posts, especially when it's about something like interest rates, but hang with me here because I think this is going to make sense, in simple terms (or as simple as you have heard on this subject).

First you must understand what goes into an interest rate. Let's say a borrower is paying 5% interest. Where does the 5% go?

Approximately 1% of that amount is split between 1) the servicer, 2)FNMA/Freddie Mac, and 3) Wall Street.

1) Servicer earns a portion of the income for maintaining an accounting for each payment made on the loan. Tax and Insurance escrows are managed by the servicer, and a record of principal and/or interest is maintained.

2) FNMA/Freddie are compensated for setting and asssuring minimum borrower and property standards for loans to acceptable for sale as Mortgage Backed Securities (referred to as MBS).

3) And Wall Street earns a portion of the first one percent for facilitating the sale of the MBS. To who? You guessed US! You and me: the public. And at what rate of return? Whatever is left over, or in our example, it would be a 4% return, what is called the "coupon rate".

Thus, to have a situation where interest rates are 4%, would mean we need investors that are willing to accept a THREE percent rate of return. Likely? NOT. Not even with the fed helping!

Speaking of the fed, let's look at what the coupon rates that have been purchased with the 1.25 TRILLION dollars that the fed was authorized to spend: (remember, these are the COUPON rates, not the interest rates! Interest rates would be approx 1% higher)

$42 million was at 3.5%

$151 BILLION at 4%

$268 BILLION at 4.5%

$331 BILLION at 5%

$215 BILLION at 5.5%

$49 BILLION at 6%

$21 BILLION at 6.5%

If you have been keeping a running total, that means the fed has spent just over $1.053 trillion of the $1.25 trillion authorized. Initially is was intended the entire $1.25 trillion would be used in 2009. However, in an attempt to "wean" ourselves off of the injection of the fed's contribution, the remaining $197 billion will be distributed over the first quarter in 2010.

So, what then? What will happen to the rates after the first quarter of 2010? Well.... what were rates PRIOR to fed's participation? 6% to 6.5%.

And will it happen overnight? Probably not.

They'll bounce up and down, just as they always do. But as the fed backs off, the floor / ceiling will go higher. Think of it as a yo-yo.

The yo-yo goes up and down, up and down. Now get on the elevator with that yo-yo still going up and down, up and down. See how the lows get higher, and the highs get even higher?


hmmm... still think 5% interest is too high?

This is my interpretation of a information provided at our office by Barry Habib.

Views and opinions expressed on this site are not necessarily those of WR Starkey Mortgage.

  Ruth Vogt Colorado Mortgage Lender

 Ruth Vogt, Branch Manager

   Colorado LMB #LMB100023827


Posted by


Connie Smith, Broker Associate

Cherry Creek Properties, LLC

5655 S. Yosemite St., Suite 109

Greenwood Village, CO 80111


Ruth Vogt
Fairway Independent Mortgage, LLS. Equal Housing Opportunity. Regulated by the Division of Real Estate. - Colorado Springs, CO

Thanks, Connie, for your kind words... AND for the reblog! :)

Dec 28, 2009 06:22 AM
Lise Howe
Keller Williams Capital Properties - Washington, DC
Assoc. Broker in DC, MD, VA and attorney in DC

I think that explains why I have been so busy lately - smart clients who know these low rates can't last forever - Of course I remember rates a lot higher than 6!

Dec 28, 2009 06:24 AM
John Walters
Frank Rubi Real Estate - Slidell, LA
Licensed in Louisiana

I remember years ago in college we learned that there was only so much credit available yearly.  I think our government is using almost all of it themselves.

Dec 28, 2009 06:25 AM
Richard Goates
Apex California Realty - Redding, CA
Broker 01251781

I see interest going up and not down....I am betting next year at this time it will be much higher.These current 5% rates are Extremely reasonable...even if the buyers think they should be better.





Dec 28, 2009 06:26 AM
Jeff Craig
Hang Me Up Photos - Jamestown, NC
Greensboro Area Real Estate Photography

Yesterday I had a potential buyer whince at 5%.  She thought that was high because it had been at 4.75% recently.  Yikes!!!

Dec 28, 2009 07:00 AM
Connie Smith
The Smith Group, Keller Williams Realty Success - Littleton, CO

Thanks Jeff, Richard, John Lisa and Ruth for commenting on my reblog.  We will have lots of challenges this year but with us all as a team we will succeed to great heights in 2010.  That is my mantra!

Jan 05, 2010 01:19 AM