Setting Your Financial Real Estate Goals for 2010
Here's a tool I created back when I was in Title and Escrow. I've used this in the past to help Brokers and Agents with their financial goals. I called it Agent Assist because that's exactly what it was created for, to assist them in reaching their income goals. Based on just a few simple questions, the AA spreadsheet will calculate exactly how many homes you need to sell to reach your desired income goal in Real Estate.
By entering the average sales price of the homes in your area, your commission and broker split, the number of weeks you want to take for vacation, the number of days and hours you're willing to work, and lastly, your desired income goal, the program will automatically calculate how many contacts you'll need to make, how many appointments it will take, and precisely how many homes you'll need to close to reach your goal.
Check it out, I think you might like some of the features and tools that stemmed from the opinions and suggestions of other Brokers and REALTORS across the country. Below is what the "Goals Analysis" page looks like. It's real easy to use, I know it works, and it might be a tool you can use too.
In addition to the Goals Analysis page, there are some others tools I added for tracking sales, monitoring marketing budget, tracking expenses and taxes, created a contact to lead conversion table, inventory and pipeline chart, buyers costs, sellers costs, rent vs own, a mortgage calculator with amortization table, etc. Here's to you reaching your income goals in 2010 no matter what means or tools you need to use to do it! Cheers. :-)
BTW- This post was inspired by Broker Bryant and Carra Riley's recent "Goal" posts.