
Our goal is to reach 3000 registered attendees to!

Reblogger Sheila Bose
Real Estate Agent with Sacramento Region, Coldwell Banker

What a great way to start off the New Year! Lots of great ideas to learn about and I am really glad that I can make this time!

Original content by Real Estate Tomato

Our goal is to reach 3000 registered attendees to!

The event is free being presented by 28 of the top minds in RE technology and social networking. Currently we have 1500+ registered attendee.  To reach our goal we need your help.  Fortunately, we have a ringer in our pocket: The generosity of is going to be running  a contest for everyone that helps us attain our goal.

Anyone that writes/re-blogs this post on ActiveRain about being held January 4th will be entered in a drawing to win one of the following prizes:

      1. 1 year free subscription to premium package ($720 value)

      2. HP Netbook Computer

      3. Platinum RainCamp Access Pass (If you don't know what that is go to or ask one of the guys here on ActiveRain they'll fill you in :-) )

      4. One year free NetFlix subscription (3DVD's out at a time)

The rules:

Comment below with the link to your post or re-blog so we can enter you in the drawing.

You can also tweet about this for a 2nd entry in the drawing and it can say anything to promote VirtualBarCamp but it must include #VREBC & #ListingMoves as hashtags for tracking purposes such as the following:

28Top real estate tech speakers present@ #VREBC Jan4  Register now by going to & qualify 4 $25 StarBucks GiveAway #ListingMoves

( will also be giving away 25$ starbucks gift cards to the 2000th, 2001st, 2500th, 2501st, 3000th, 3001st registered attendees and donate the same amount to the Warmath Children College Fund Charity

Wow!  Fingers crossed... come on 3000!