
New Year, New Illinois Real Estate License Act

Education & Training with Illinois Real Estate Academy/Your House Academy 471.012866

On December 31, 2009, Illinois Governor Quinn Signed SB1894 into law.  Among other consumer protection provisions, the bill includes a rewrite of the Illinois Real Estate License Act.

Some of the changes take place immediately and others will be phased in over a period of time beginning May 1, 2011.

Items of immediate concern to Illinois Licensees include: 

  • definition of lead
  • definition of employee
  • change of address
  • internet advertising
  • deceptive and misleading advertising
  • company policy manuel
  • written notice of agency disclosure
  • dual agency disclosure
  • misc. disciplinary actions
  • guaranteed sales plans and enforcement

This is a summary of some of the provisions meant to point out major changes.  The licensee is advised to consult the Act for further clarification.

Items being phased in beginning May 1, 2011 include:

  • elimination of salesperson license
  • revision of broker license
  • addition of managing broker license
  • increased pre-license education
  • change in continuing education
  • addition of experience requirement for managing broker.

This is a summary of some of the provisions meant to point out major changes.  The licensee is advised to consult the Act for further clarification.



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Renee L. Norton
Birmingham, AL

Sounds like the elimination of the salesperson license and revisions to the broker license is just a change in terminology.  Are they increasing the fees to go with the change in title? 

Jan 02, 2010 09:06 AM
Mike Fair


Not just a change in terminology.  As of April 30, 2011, salespersons licenses will expire and be no more.  All individual licensee's with a salesperson's license will have until April 30, 2012 to complete a profiency exam or complete a 30 hour course to move to the title of "broker". 

Those with existing broker licenses will slide into the broker catagory.  If they wish to be able to perform the activities of today's broker, they will need to complete a profieciency exam or a 45 hour course to become a managing broker.

All new entry level licensees as of May 1, 2011 will need to complete 90 hours of pre-liecense education and 30 hour post license education to be licensed as a broker.  If they wish to become a managinging broker, they will need 2 out of the last 5 years with experience as a salesperson or broker and complete a 45 hour course.

Fees are set by regulation and I suspect that an increase is in the future, but we will not know until the regulations are written and approved.


Jan 02, 2010 09:47 AM