In the U.S., New Year's Day is becoming a time to relax and recover from the previous holidays.
Morning hours can include watching the spectacular Rose Bowl Parade on television and later seeing the
game. Americans generally ignore the goodluck shenanigans that are popular in other countries. But a
large percentage of us still think we can cook and eat our way to a prosperous new year.Corned beef and
cabbage is one lucky choice because cabbage leaves signify money in this and other cultures. Many people
think pork should be included in the New Year's meal. For hundreds of years, the hog has signified
prosperity.Black-eyed peas, hog jowls or ham are lucky foods in some areas as is rice.One activity is
becoming a New Year's Day event. You hear bragging about it the day after. Yes! They took down the
Christmas tree. Making New Year's resolutions is an admirable New Year's Day Most of us have given up on
making a list because one or two are more than we can handle anyway. If you haven't seen over the
holidays, it's nice to visit relatives on New Year's Day. In at least one rural community, men and boys go
rabbit hunting while women and girls make dinner.