"If Not Now, When?"
How many times might these words apply to a situation or incident in your day- to-day life?
Thinking of giving up that dastardly cigarette habit? ......"If Not Now, When?"
Thinking of looking for a new job? ........"If Not Now, When?"
Thinking of calling the Food Bank to volunteer? ........."If Not Now, When?"
Thinking of getting a divorce? ........."If Not Now, When?"
Thinking of running nude down Yonge Street in January? ........."If Not Now, When?"
Thinking of taking a night course? ........."If Not Now, When?"
Thinking of spending more time with your kids and less time on the damn computer? ......."If Not Now, When?"
Thinking of getting rid of all that stuff you're keeping JUST IN CASE? .........."If Not Now, When?"
Thinking of starting a blog so you can write drivel like this? ......."If Not Now, When?"
Successful people share two characteristics:
1. they're willing to do things they'd rather not do and....
2. they actually do it!