
Is Your "Free" website COSTING You Money? Many times, YES.

Services for Real Estate Pros with

 It very well may be. Free websites are typically either provided by an LO's company, or the loan officer signs up for one, with many consequences:

A company provided website typically does not brand an individual loan officer, it brands the company. The online loan applications on the company website (if there are any) are generally not branded to each individual loan officer, causing referrals and prospects to be lost in the shuffle and given to the wrong LO or to the broker.

Your prospects may be going to another LO that you work with! Also, you don't have your own web address to advertise or send your clients, prospects and referral partners to with your company's website. A free website always has a catch. Some free websites sell your info and your client's info. Some free websites put mandatory links on your free website that go to paying client's websites. Some free websites put google ads across your free website, the google ads take your visitors to websites like and Not so good for you!

A free website can be directing your visitors out of your website, into the hands of a competitor, all the while the company hosting your "free" website makes money when people click on the google ads that direct your visitors OUT of your website!! Solutions: Brand Yourself. Each individual loan officer really needs their own website to brand themselves with - in today's climate the safest website address for a loan officer to purchase and advertise is their name. ex. or or A website address like this will allow for any necessary company changes in the future. Purchasing a web address is simple and cheap at

Your company needs a valuable company website that brands each individual loan officer: Unless your company has a MorSystems Gold Company website your applications are being lost - our company site brands each individual loan officer, giving each loan officer their own web page, individually branded loan apps and unlimited free web pages for each referral partner. The referral partner webpages make it simple for them to send their clients to the loan officer for preapproval!

Mortgage Company Websites A valuable mortgage web site does not have to be expensive, but it does need to make you money. Our mortgage websites start at just 12/mo. Stay tuned for more ways to get more traffic to your site, how to train referral partners to send their clients to your site, and more SEO help!

MorSystems Mortgage Web Site


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Gary Woltal
Keller Williams Realty - Flower Mound, TX
Assoc. Broker Realtor SFR Dallas Ft. Worth
Shelly, good point that free web sites are not always the best. They must be evaluated for all real estate professions. Excellent post!
Jan 07, 2010 07:15 AM
Shelly Whitworth - Carmel, CA

Gary, thank-you for the comment!


Any loan officer you know can have a website with us, if it's a gold, you can have your own webpage to send your clients to to meet your referral partner loan officer and get preapproved!


Jan 07, 2010 09:27 AM