Our moving day is set for July 18th although our actual closing day isn't until August 3rd (a Friday of a long weekend). The other day I came home to find a message from the people that have purchased our home. They were asking if we could make arrangements for them to get the keys on the Thursday evening as they are having movers (they are coming from Manitoba) and would like to start unloading first thing Friday morning.
"Huh...was I hearing this right? They actually wanted the keys to the house before it closed?" They even went as far as to say that they didn't want to go to the hassle of getting the lawyers involve to change to change the closing date.
Don't worry, about a million alarm bells went off. There was no way that I would hand over the keys to the house before the lawyers and done their thing and the money was in my account. I am no real estate guru but I know enough that to do such a thing could potentially cause some huge liability issues if anything was to go wrong.
Got me thinking, how many people HAVE handed over the keys before the lawyer's OK? What nightmares have been created when someone harmlessly thought they were helping the new owners out?
If you have a story I would love to hear it.