

Reblogger BJ McKellar
Services for Real Estate Pros with Real Property Management Metro MD/DC


I just read this post, and thought it was good timing, with the holidays just over, and the excuses about to much money spent on christmas, or vacation...  This applies to every landlord.

Great post.


Original content by Diane Rice 481.010183


GOD evicted HIS First man, Adam - why? because he did NOT follow the rules of the lease! HE gave man the option and man chose what man wanted to do! Why do we think we can make something work when GOD himself  allows man to suffer the consequences of his own choices? Throughout the Bible, there are examples for us to learn from without us having to E X P E R I E N C E it  first hand ourselves!

God spoke to Adam in Genesis and said to him, (and i'm putting it in "simple" language) "dude, here is a fully furnished pad with meals!  It's our brand new model, constructed just for "you" ALL you want!" Now, listen, this is MY can stay as long as you pay the rent (tend to the garden)!  It is NOT free! Sign here: x__________________________________.

WHOA! before you sign, know that IF you violate the lease agreement by eating of the forbidden tree, you get NO 5 DAY NOTICE --- you get BOOTED! HEY, by the way, this goes for your guests, family members, and "wifey-poo" too! - YOU gotta take responsibility for THEM since YOU are the head! You are the one with authority! You are the one i'm making this agreement with! You'll have all you needs supplied! OK? Ya got that? Kewl! Sign here: x__________________________________ .  


Wait a minute...... let's go back further BEFORE the creation of man......... God's TOP angel was kicked out first! He did NOT keep the rules! He rebelled against his landlord, and got cast out! He did not receive a 3, 5, or 10 Day Notice! Now GOD is a Righteous Judge, and knows the hearts of man.....why do we bypass what HE has set up and become our own justification by trying to do it OUR way???  Don't forget  these were both GOD's BEST!          

I'm guilty of making the same mistakes that mostly every landlord makes! I've had the tenants from hell! I've gone the route of "trying to help!" What has it gotten me: ANGRY!  The good news is, i've learned, recovered, and realized the errors of my ways. God moves forward and so do i! Evictions are part of Property Management. I have accepted that. You may have all good the beginning.  When or if they change - you must change also!  This is a business....keep it that way!  These are the rules: keep them in place!

Copyright© 2007 Rice Property Management All Rights Reserved

Images - Courtesy of Bing

Posted by

BJ McKellar

RPM DC Metro


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Wallace S. Gibson, CPM
Gibson Management Group, Ltd. - Charlottesville, VA

Great re-blog * Diane was providing VALUABLE information in a creative way 2 years ago!!!!

Jan 09, 2010 04:35 AM
Robert Machado
HomePointe Property Management, CRMC - Sacramento, CA
CPM MPM - Property Manager and Property Management

That is funny.  I guess we are all under the threat of eviction if we do not play by the rules.  Of course there is one place you will get evicted from eventually if you do follow the rules, jail.

Jan 09, 2010 04:18 PM
maryland carpet cleaning

Nice blog!!!i like it...Thanks alot for this post!!

Nov 01, 2010 09:13 PM