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Never under-estimate the power of EMOTION.

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EMOTIONS play an enormous part in buying habits.  I would estimate that 90% of customers use emotion as their main motivation to purchase...or not to purchase.   It's like that in real estate....and it's like that in marketing just about anything.  

We can explain in infinite detail how good a home, property or product is, but if we don't capture "emotion," no amount of information will induce a customer to buy.

Price is not always the determining factor in making sales.

Have you ever noticed the long lines of people who camp out all night in front of computer stores to get their hands on the latest version of some new high tech and OVER-PRICED gizmo.  Or all night campers outside a box office to pay hundreds of dollars for a sports...or music concert ticket.  Or have you ever been to an auction sale where bidders get carried away on acquiring an item.

The reason for this behavior can be spelled out in one word... E-M-O-T-I-O-N!!    Right...or wrong has very little to do with anyone's personal buying experience.   What's key is, what they want...at the time they want it.    If they have their hearts set on chocolate ice cream, no amount of inducement will persuade them to accept vanilla EVEN AT A LOWER PRICE.

When you discover the secret of understanding emotions, you will have discovered the secret to sales success.   Meeting the individual emotional demands of customers can sometimes be challenging.   It's a matter of seeing the world through their eyes.   

Thanks. Sincerely, David

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