Many products I've blogged about require you to have your blog's RSS feed URL. This is just the web address that is the distribution point of your blog's data--the "outbox" for your blog posts.
With twitterfeed, feedburner, and many other syndication/RSS feed sites, you'll need to find this URL to duplicate your posts all over the web.
Here are a few quick links to help you find your feed:
For Activerain, your URL is fairly simple:
Don't forget to replace YOUR-USER-NAME-HERE with your actual user name.
Others can take a bit of searching, here's a start:
For a Wordpress Blog
For a Google Blogger account
For your Twitter account
It all seems confusing at first, but when you start by syndicating one feed, you'll see how much time you can save.
Sam DeBord and Brian Wiegand - Washington State Realty - (206) 658-3225
Real Estate Brokers, Realtors, Green Certified Pros